a.Low sperm production.
b.Misshapen or immobile sperm
d.Illness,injuries,chronic health problems.
e.Life style change.
f.Medical cause-varicocele,S T D,chlamydia,gonorrhea,prostatitis,orchitis.
g.Retrograde ejaculation-when semen enters the bladder during orgasm,due to-diabetes,spinal injuries,medication and surgery of the bladder,prostate or urethra.
h.Tumoure-pituitary glands tumoure,surgery,radiation or chemotherapy to treat tumoure.
i.Undecendent testies.
j.Hormonal imbalance-hypothalamas,pituitary,thyroid and adrenal,low testosteron.
k.Sperm duct defects
l.Chromosome defects-klinefeltrs,kallmanns,youngs,kartgenersyndrom,cystic fibrosis.
m.Problem with sexual intercourse-erctile dysfunction,premature ejaculation,painfull intercourse,psychological or relationship problems.
n.Celiac disease
o.Certain medication-tastosterone replacement therapy,long term anabolic steroid use,chemotherapy,certain antifungal medication,some anti ulcer drugs.
p.Environmental-indrustrial area
q.Heavy metal-lead and others heavy metals.
r.Radiation and x-ray.
s.Overheated the testicles.
t.Life style-illegal drugs,alcohol,computers and vidio display monitors use in occupation,tobacco,emotional stress,obesity,prolong bicycling.
a.Inability to conceive a child.
b.Erectile dysfunction.
c.Premature ejaculation.
d.Pain,swelling or a lump in the testicle area.
e.Decreased facial or body hair or others signs of a chromosomal or hormonal abnormality.
f.Having a lower than normal sperm count.
a.Smoking tobacco,using alcohol and certain illegal drugs.
b.Being overweight.
c.Having certain past and present infection.
d.Being exposed to toxins.
e.Overheating the testis.
f.Being born with a fertility disorder.
g.Tumoure and chronic illness.
h.Surgery and radiation.
i.Prolonged bicycling or horseback riding.
j.Lubricant use during coition.
a.Arge m
b.Ra serp
d.X ray
e.cobaltum nitri
FOR RADIATION-Cadmium sulp,radium bro, x ray.
FOR CHEMOTHERAPY-Cadmium sulp,x ray
FOR TOBACCO USE-Abis n,arg n,ars alb,camphora,canb sat,cinchona,caladium,chin ars,lobe in,feer m,lycopodium c,phospho,sele,sepia,spigelia,staphysagri,igna a,strophanthas,thuja occ,verat alb.
FOR ALCOHOL USE-Agaricus m,ammon c,aarsenic alb,bry alb,cal c,crot h,coffea c,cadm s,canb s,car m,digitalis p,fluric acid,guarana,lachesis m,ledum p,lobelia in,nat phos,nux m,nux v,opium,ranunculas b,sele,sepia,sterculia,strophanthus,sulph,teribinth,verat alb.
FOR LEAD POISONING-Cadmium s,opium,plum m,alumen,alumina.see lead poisoning in this blog.
FOR HORMONAL THERAPY-Sepia,thuja occ,nat m.
FOR VARICOCELE-Acon n,arn m,feerum p,ham,lache m,nux v,plumbum,puls,ruta,sulp.
FOR ORCHITIS-Agn,aur,bar c,cal iod,cinch,clem,con,gels,hep,hyper,iod,kali iod,lyco.merc,nit ac,phyt,puls,rodo,rhus tox,spongia,sul.
GONORRHOEAL SUPRESSION-Agn,ant t,benz a,clem,kali iod,medo,nat s,puls,sarsa,thuja,x ray.
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