In materia medica there have some relation to others symptoms (concomitant). In homoeopathic prescription they play vital roll for select single similimum.
1. Fastidious - upset about disorder.
2. Malarial fever, kala-azar -enlarged spleen & liver.
3. Blood disorganized - causing pernicious type of anemia & severe septic condition.
4. Cough -excited by smoking.
5. Increased sexual desire - at menses.
6. Menses suppressed - in weak, tired care worn women.
7. Stitching in rectum - during menses.
8. Headache relieved - by cold, others symptoms worse.
9. Pain alternate between - head or stomach or body worse by peoples talk.
10. Laying on back - palpitation with anguish. - unable to lie down - fear suffocation.
11. Palpitation with - tremulous weakness after stool.
12. Agony of bladder - in old persons.
13. Feeling of weakness in abdomen - after urination.
14. Retention of urine, as if the bladder were paralyzed - after child birth.
15. Paralysis - with contraction of limbs. - with atrophy.
16. Sciatica - better walking & hot application.
17. Drawing pain - from elbo to axilla.
18. Asthma worse taking cold - in mid summer.
19. Hay fever & coryza- worse in open air, better indoor.
20. Skin symptoms alternate with - asthma or internal disorder.
21. Sleep disturbed - anxious, restless.
22. Must head raised - by pillows.
23. Sleep - with hand over head.
24. Suffocative fits - during sleep.
25. Anxiety - in pit of stomach.
26. Heart pain -into neck & occiput with anxiety, difficult breathing.