Showing posts with label miasma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miasma. Show all posts

Monday, March 28, 2016

The miasma of the mind of aconite nap

Miasma of mind of Aconite nap

Great agitation and tossing of the body with anguish, inconsolable irritability, cries, tears, groans, complaints, and reproaches.(psoric)
─Sensitive irritability.(psoro-tuber)
─Fearful anticipations of approaching death; predicts the day he is to die.(psoro-syco)
─Sadness.(psoro- sycotic)
─Presentiments, as if in a state of clairvoyance.(psoric)
─Anthropophobia and misanthropy; has no affection for anybody.(psoro- sycotic)
─A strong disposition to be angry, to be frightened, and to quarrel.(syco- syphi)
─The least noise, even music, appears insupportable.(psoro- tuber)
─Humour changeable; at one time sad, depressed, irritable, and despairing; at another time gay, excited, full of hope, and disposed to sing and dance.(tubercular diathesis)
─Vexed at trifles; takes every joke in bad part.(sycotic)
─Dislike to talk; answers laconically.(syphi-syco)
─Alternate paroxysms of laughter and tears.(tubercular)
─Great, inconsolable anxiety.(psoric)
─Anxiety respecting one's malady, and despair of a cure.(psoric)
─Fear of spectres.(psoric)
─Fear of the dark.(syphilitic)
─Mind, as it were, paralysed, with incapability of reflection, and a sensation as if all the intellectual functions were performed in the region of the stomach.(syphilitic)
─Unsteadiness of ideas.(tubercular)
─In the delirium is unhappiness, worry, despair and raving, with expression of fear upon the countenance; but there is rarely unconsciousness.(psora)
─Delirium, chiefly at night; with ecstasy.(syphilitic)
─Weakness of memory.(psoric)
─Ailments from fear, fright, vexation.(all miasmaz but psoric in prominent)

Friday, January 29, 2016


The list of remedy of anxiety in master kents repertory, without subrubrics. ANXIETY : Abrot.acet-ac.acon-f.Acon., act-sp., aeth.agar., agn., ail., all-c.aloe.,alum.alumn.,, ambr.anac.,ang., ant-c.ant-t.apis., arg-m.Arg-n.arn.,ars-h.Ars-i.Ars., asaf., asar.aspar., aster., aur-s.,, benz-ac., berb., Bism.bor.bov.Bry., bufo., Cact., cadm., cahin., calad., Calc-p.Calc-s.Calc.,Camph.Cann-i., cann-s., canth.caps., carb-an.carb-o.Carb-s.Carb-v.carl.Caust.,cench.cham.chel.chin-a.chin-s.Chin.,chlol.cic.cimic., cimx.cina., clem., coc-c.,cocc.coch.coff.colch., coloc.Con., croc.,crot-c.crot-h.crot-t., cub., cupr-ar., cupr.,cur., cycl., Dig.dros.dulc., elaps., euon., eup-per., eupho.ferr-ar.ferr-i.ferr-p., ferr.fl-ac.,gels.glon., graph.grat., hell.hep.hura.,hyos.ign.indg., Iod., ip., jatr.Kali-ar., kali-br., Kali-c., kali-chl., kali-i.kali-n.Kali-p.,Kali-s., kreos., lach.lact., lat-m., laur.led.lil-t.Lyc., lyss., mag-c.mag-m.mag-s.manc., mang., med., meny., merc-c.merc.Mez., mill., mosch., mur-ac.mygal., naja., Nat-a.,Nat-c.nat-m.nat-p.nicc., Nit-ac.nux-v.,olnd., op.ox-ac., paeon.,,Phos., plan., plat.plb.Psor.Puls., pyrog., ran-b., ran-s., raph., rheum., rhod., Rhus-t.,ruta.sabad.sabin.samb.sang., sars., Sec.,seneg.sep.sil.spig.spong.squil., stann.,staph.stram.stront., stry., sul-ac., Sulph.,, Verat., viol-o., viol-t., xan., zinc.

psoric- the hypo psoric state is manifested in the mental sphere as hypo resoning, i e inconsistant, impractical thoughts and hypo confidence that results in anxieties and all varieties of fear present in PSORA. 

sycosis- anxiety may present, due to baground nature of sycotic miasma(suspicious, jealous). 

syphilis- anxiety at night. 

tubercular diathesis- anxiety during thunderstorms and due to unsatisfaction, and unsatiafied mental, social, economical etc condition. 

the all listed remedy in the kents repertory, under rubric ANXIETY. there have many remedy, some of them anti psoric, some sycotic, some syphilitic and some are anti tubercular diathesis. After case taking when we have rubric ANXIETY. Without analysis under miasmatic concept the case, the rubric selection become partial. Which make malprescriptuon, treatment or become di similar. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Sycosis- it's cause in modern life.

1. Suspicious & jealousy - constant stay in the environment with suspicious & jealous in family, society, school & professional area. Prolong stress with suspiciousness & jealousness,  the patient body become in a state of sycotic stigmata.

2. Maltreatment/malselection or abuse of homoeopathic remedy -
A. Abuse of deep anti sycotic remedy, such as- Thuja occidentalis, medorrhenum, natrum sulp etc. By eligal use them they can make artificial sycotic drug miasma in human body, which is so complicated.

B. Abuse of all sarcodes remedy, such as - Thyroidinum,  pituitarinum,  oophorinum, testis, adrenalin etc. They can make convert to sycotic stigmata in human body, by make imbalance in the hormonal function.

C. Some other homoeopathic drugs, which can make influence directly to the hormonal level of the human body. Such as- Iodium, conium maculatum, thuja occidentalis, lycopodium clavatam etc.

3. Vaccination.

4. Maltreatment of malarial condition.

5. Hormonal prophylaxis- for therapeutical or conception purpose.

6. Naturally abort of any discharge- it can make complicated the sycotic stigma to simple to deeper.

7. Overuse of some foods - some food which can make sycotic stigma to complicate or can give influence for make its active phase from latant stage, such as- table salt, cauliflower etc.

8. Cosmetics & beautification - it can give influence to sycotic stiga to go to more complicated by reduce any sycotic sign of skin,  like as mole, discoloured spots,  warts etc. By lesser surgery or any cosmetics.

9. Maltreatment of N Gonorrhoea.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Rubrics of mind of sycotic miasma

A. Suspiciousness(due to Suspiciousness the human mind may developed with following symptoms in sycotic miasma)-
1. Carefulness
2. Confidence, want of self confidence.
3. Confusion.
4. Consolations, Camel
5. Egotism
6. Fear, alone, of being
7. Fear, injured being
8. Abandoned/ forsaken
9. Helplessness, feeling of
10. Jealousy
11. Mistakes, making
12. Restlessness
13. Delusions - persecuted
14. Deceitful
15. Hurry
16. Selfish
17. Censorious
18. Clinging
19. Company desire.

B. Tendency to Hurt others,emotionally ( due to this condition the sycotic miasma can developed following symptoms in human mind)-
1. Abusive
2. Neglected
3. Offended, easily
4. Cruelty, mentality
5. Despair
6. Quarrelsome
7. Torture, others mentally
8. Audacity
9. Avarice
10. Censorious
11. Ridiculous

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

7Cause of sycotic miasma

Cause of sycotic miasma-
1. Maltreatment of N gonorrhoea.
2. Vaccination.
3. Malarial infection in individual or hereditary.
4. Repeated serotheraphy.
5. Hormonal prophylaxes- for contraception or therapeutically abuse.
6. Malselection or abuse of any homoeopathic vanti sycotic remedy, such as- Thuja occidentalis, Medorrhenum, Natrum sulp, sycotic co etc.
7. Malselection or abuse of all homoeopathic sarcodes remedy or some remedy which can give influence directly to the hormonal system of the body.

Vital character of Sycotic miasma

Sycotic miasma-
1. Develops catarrhal discharge.
2.oily skin with thickly oozing and copious perspiration.
3. Hyper- any types of hyper conditions of metabolism or cellular function.
4. Physical restlessness.
5. Any types Purulent secretions. With fish like odour.
5. Produced in coordination- everywhere in the body & mind.
6. Rheumatic & gouty constitution.
7.Lithic,uric acid& proliferative diathesis.
8.Deposition in cells & tissues.
9. Extremely slow- mentally, physically,disease & cure.
10. Excess of water in tissues (Hydrogenoid).
11. Suspicious and jealousy, it has the tendency  to harm others, even animal( psychologically)
12. All types of mania( rubrics- sensation as if/ Delusion) are sycotic.
13. They can't find the right.
14. The sycotic patients tries to hurt others emotionaly.
15. Fear of making mistakes.
16. Abaentmindness and abstraction of mind.
17. A lack of self confidence.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Miasma in modern era part 1

An event, condition, situation, aspect, event of human civilization. which may make some predisposing conditions of derangement of vital principle.
Apho no-80 "is the chronic miasm of psora, which, while those two reveal their specific internal dyscrasia, the one by the venereal chancre, the other by the cauliflower-like growths, does also, after the completion of the internal infection of the whole organism, announce by a peculiar cutaneous eruption, sometimes consisting only of a few vesicles accompanied by intolerable voluptuous tickling itching (and a peculiar odor), the monstrous internal chronic miasm - the psora, the only real fundamental cause..."

Aph no-78 "The true natural chronic diseases are those that arise from a chronic miasm, which when left to themselves, and unchecked by the employment of those remedies that are specific for them, always go on increasing and growing worse, notwithstanding the best mental and corporeal regimen, and torment the patient to the end of his life with ever aggravated sufferings. These, excepting those produced by medical malpractice......"

Old concept of miasmatic malpractice-
1.dissimilar medicine or natural.
2.Suppression by any external application.

Modern concept of malpractice-
Abuse of any anti microbial agent, externally or internally.
Dissimilar medicine.
Mal selection of homoeopathic remedy.
Environmental hazards

Sunday, May 31, 2015

miasms of the rubrics of mind

1. absent minded- psora
2. absorbed- psora; syphilis
3. abstraction of mind- psora
4. abusive- psora; syphilis; sycosis
5. affectionate- psora
6. anger- psora; syphilis; pseudo-psora
7. anxiety- psora; pseudo-psora
8. blasphemy- syphilis; sycosis
9. brooding- syphilis; sycosis
10. capriciousness- psora
11. censorious- psora
12. chaotic- syphilis
13. clairvoyance- psora
14.complaining- psora
15. contemtuous- psora
16. contrary- syphilis; sycosis
17.cowardice- psora
18. cruelty- sycosis
19.cursing- syphilis; sycosis
20. defiant- sycosis
21. delirium- psora
22. delirium tremens- syphilis; sycosis
23.delusion- psora; syphilis; sycosis
24.dementia- tersiary psora
25.despair- psora; ter psora ; syphilis
26.drestractiveness- syphilis
27.dictactorial- sycosis
28. discontented- psora; pseudo-psora
30.dream as if in a-psora
31.dullness-psora; syphilis; sycosis; pseudo-psora
32.egotism- sycosis
33.envy- sycosis
34.escape attempting to- syphilis
35.excitement- psora
36.exhilaration- psora
37.fastidious- psora
38.fear- psora
39.forgetfull-psora; sycosis
40.forsaken felling-psora
41.frightened easily- psora
43.haughty-psora; sycosis
44.heedless- psora
45.helplessnes felling of-psora
48.hurry-psora; sycosis
49.horrible thing, sad story affect him profoundly-psora
50.hypochondriasis- ter psora
51.hysteria-psora, pseudo-psora
52.idiocy- syphilis
57.impulsive-psora; syphilis
58.indifference- psora; syphilis
59.indrustious- sycosis
60.insanity- psora; syphilis; sycosis
61.insolence-psora; sycosis
62.intolerance- syphilis
63.introspection- sycosis
65. irritability-psora;sycosis; pseudo- psora
66.jealousy- sycosis
67.kill desire to-psora;syphilis; sycosis
68.killed desire to be-syphilis; sycosis
70. lamenting- psora
72.lewdness- psor; pseudo-psora
73.liar- sycosis
76.mania-syphilis; sycosis
77. misantropy- psora
78.mischievous-psora; sycosis
80.mocking-psora; syphilis; sycosis
81.moral felling want of- syphilis; sycosis
82.muttering-syphilis; pseudo-psora
83.nymphomania-psora; ter psora; pseudo- psora
84.obscene lwed-psora; pseudo-psora
85.offened easily- syphilis; sycosis
86.precocity of childrene-psora
87.prostration of mind-psora; ter psora
88.quarrelsome- syphilis; sycosis
89.quite disposition-psora
90.quite want to be-psora
94.reproaching one self-syphilis; sycosis
95.reserved-psora; syphilis;sycosis
96.restlessness-psora; pseudo-psora
98.sadness-psora;ter psora; pseudo- psora
99. secretive-sycosis
101.shameless-psora; pseudo-psora
105.suicidal disposition-psora;syphilis;sycosis
109. temirity-syphilis
115.weary of life-psora
116.weeping-psora; pseudo-psora
117.yielding disposition-psora