Our physiological function of body make develop its functions, nature and constitution by the influence of all 7 planet. We can easily make the individuality of the patient. Please first identify the planet of the individual, according to his/ her birth day, hour and month.
1. Elimination - Saturn
2. Structure- Saturn
3. Posture- Saturn
4. Longevity- Saturn
5. Aging- Saturn
6. Death- Saturn
7. Mineral metabolism- Saturn
8. Heart - Sun
9. Circulation- Sun, Mars
10. Vitality- Sun, Jupiter
11. Vision- Sun
12. Vital heat- Sun
13. Blood- Sun, Mars
14. Circulatory system- Sun
15. Consciousness- Sun
16. Sensitive to sun light- Sun
17. Chilly- Sun
18. Low vitality- Sun
19. Brain - Moon, Mercury
20. Nervous system - Moon, Mercury
21. Unconscious - Moon
22. Sleep - Moon
23. Dreams - Moon
24. Reflexes - Moon
25. Appetite, craving - Moon, Jupiter
26. Thirst - Moon
27. Hormones - Moon, Mars, Venus
28. Menses - Moon
29. Menopause - Moon
30. Sex drive - Moon
31. Fertility, conception - Moon, Venus
32. Pregnancy - Moon, Venus
33. Child birth - Moon
34. Growth - Moon, Jupiter
35. Fluids - Moon
36. Nursing - Moon
37. Immune system - Mars
38. Blood pressure - Mars
39. Temperature - Mars
40. Sex - Mars, Venus
41. Survival - Mars
42. Will power - Mars
43. Mental faculty - Mercury
44. Intellect - Mercury
45. Breathing - Mercury
46. Respiratory system - Mercury
47. Senses - Mercury
48. Speech - Mercury
49. Hearing - Mercury
50. Coordination - Mercury
51. Balance - Mercury
52. Skin - Mercury
53. Oxygen - Mercury
54. Digestive system - Jupiter
55. Assimilation - Jupiter
56. Metabolism - Jupiter
57. Thyroid gland - Jupiter
58. Adrenal - Jupiter
59. Cells growth - Jupiter
60. Weight gain - Jupiter
61. Fat & sugar metabolism - Jupiter
62. Genito urinary system - Venus
63. Acid alkaline- Venus
64. Test- Venus
65. Mucus- Venus
66. Hormonal imbalance- Venus
67. Urination- Venus