Friday, February 26, 2016

Disorder of planet Mars of prana remedy

Our physiological function of body make develop its functions, nature and constitution by the influence of all 7 planet. They can make disorder with there target organs. We can easily fiend out the disease. Please first identify the planet of the individual, according to his/ her birth.

1. Blood disease
2. Accident
3. Acute disease
5. Anemia
6. Bleeding
7. Blister
8. Blows
9. Bruises
10. Burning pain
11. Bur, cut
12. Epidemic
13. Fever
14. High blood pressure
15. Immune disorder
16. Infection
17. Inflammation
18. Injury
19. Iron poisoning
20. Pain
21. Plague
22. Rape
23. Septic blood
24. Sprain
25. Stabs
26. Stroke
27. Surgeries
28. Wounds

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Disorder of planet Moon of prana remedy

Our physiological function of body make develop its functions, nature and constitution by the influence of all 7 planet. They can make disorder with there target organs. We can easily fiend out the disease. Please first identify the planet of the individual, according to his/ her birth.

miasma: All miasma, but prominent ( psoro- tuber)and cancerous diathesis.
1. Brain disorder
2. Addiction
3. Alcoholism
4. Epilepsy
5. Fainting
6. Vertigo
7. Breast disease
8. Mastitis
9. Nursing
10. Hormonal disorder
11. Infertility
12. Menstrual disorder
13. Menopause
14. Morning sickness
15. PMS
16. importance
17. Bed wetting
18. Bleeding
19. Cancer
20.  Coma
21. Chorea
22. Hemophilia
23.  Parasites
24. Paralysis
25. Stroke
26. Worms
27. Stomach disorder
28. Dyspepsia
29. Eating disorder
30. Motion sickness
31. Nausea
32. Vomiting
33. Sleep disorder
34. Insomnia
35. Nightmares
36. Sleep walking
37. Night watching

Monday, February 22, 2016

Disorder of planet Sun of prana remedy

Our physiological function of body make develop its functions, nature and constitution by the influence of all 7 planet. They can make disorder with there target organs. We can easily fiend out the disease. Please first identify the planet of the individual, according to his/ her birth.

Miasma: All miasm, but prominent in (psoro- sycotic)
1. Heart disease
2. Allergy
3. Chill
4. Circulation disorder
5. Dermatitis
6. Eye diseases
7. Fever
8. Hay fever
9. Heart attack
10. Heateroke
11. Hot flash
12. Inflammation
13. Photophobia
14. Radiation poisoning
15. Skin rashes
16. Skin cancer
17. Stroke
18. Vision problems
19. Vitality

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Disorder of planet Saturn of prana remedy

Our physiological function of body make develop its functions, nature and constitution by the influence of all 7 planet. They can make disorder with there target organs. We can easily fiend out the disease. Please first identify the planet of the individual, according to his/ her birth.

Can have all miasmatic background, but prominently- (SCO-SYPHILITIC).
A. sycotic nature in metabolic disorder.
B. Syphilitic mature in bone, degeneration, decade and deformity.
Saturn person may susceptible to:
1. Spleen disease
2. Abortion
3. Aging
4. Arteriosclerosis
5. Arthritis
6. Back disorders
7. Bone disorders
8. Calcium problems
9. Cancer
10. Constipation
11. Contraction
12. Decay,deformity,Degeneration
13. Emaciation
14. Gallstones
15. Gangrene
16. Gout
17. Hemorrhoids
18. Impotency
19. Infertility
20. Joints disease
21. Renal stones
22. Lead poisoning
23. Leukemia
24. Mineral deposits
25. Osteoporosis
26. Poisoning
28. Radiation sickness
29. Rheumatism
30. Scar tissues
31. Sclerosis
32. Scirrhus
33. Spinal disease
34. Stiffness
35. Tooth decades
36. Toxicity
37. Ulcer
38. Uric acid
39. Weight loss.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Physiology's of planets of prana remedy

Our physiological function of body make develop its functions, nature and constitution by the influence of all 7 planet. We can easily make the individuality of the patient. Please first identify the planet of the individual, according to his/ her birth day, hour and month.

1. Elimination - Saturn
2. Structure- Saturn
3. Posture- Saturn
4. Longevity- Saturn
5. Aging- Saturn
6. Death- Saturn
7. Mineral metabolism- Saturn
8. Heart - Sun
9. Circulation- Sun, Mars
10. Vitality- Sun, Jupiter
11. Vision- Sun
12. Vital heat- Sun
13. Blood- Sun, Mars
14. Circulatory system- Sun
15. Consciousness- Sun
16. Sensitive to sun light- Sun
17. Chilly- Sun
18. Low vitality- Sun
19. Brain - Moon, Mercury
20. Nervous system - Moon, Mercury
21. Unconscious - Moon
22. Sleep - Moon
23. Dreams - Moon
24. Reflexes - Moon
25. Appetite, craving - Moon, Jupiter
26. Thirst - Moon
27. Hormones - Moon, Mars, Venus
28. Menses - Moon
29. Menopause - Moon
30. Sex drive - Moon
31. Fertility, conception - Moon, Venus
32. Pregnancy - Moon, Venus
33. Child birth - Moon
34. Growth - Moon, Jupiter
35. Fluids - Moon
36. Nursing - Moon
37. Immune system - Mars
38. Blood pressure - Mars
39. Temperature - Mars
40. Sex - Mars, Venus
41. Survival - Mars
42. Will power - Mars
43. Mental faculty - Mercury
44. Intellect - Mercury
45. Breathing - Mercury
46. Respiratory system - Mercury
47. Senses - Mercury
48. Speech - Mercury
49. Hearing - Mercury
50. Coordination - Mercury
51. Balance - Mercury
52. Skin - Mercury
53. Oxygen - Mercury
54. Digestive system - Jupiter
55. Assimilation - Jupiter
56. Metabolism - Jupiter
57. Thyroid gland - Jupiter
58. Adrenal - Jupiter
59. Cells growth - Jupiter
60. Weight gain - Jupiter
61. Fat & sugar metabolism - Jupiter
62. Genito urinary system - Venus
63. Acid alkaline- Venus
64. Test- Venus
65. Mucus- Venus
66. Hormonal imbalance- Venus
67. Urination- Venus

Friday, February 19, 2016

Organs of planets of prana remedy

Our organs of body make develop its functions, nature and constitution by the influence of all 7 planet. We can easily make the individuality of the patient. Please first identify the planet of the individual, according to his/ her birth day, hour and month.

1. Spleen - Saturn,Sun
2. Bones,teeth, structure,limbs,legs- Saturn
3. Joints,knees,ankles- Saturn
4. Ligament- Saturn
5. Neck,back -Saturn
6.spinal column- Saturn,Sun
7. Skin- Saturn, Mercury
8. Rectum- Saturn
9. Parathyroids glands - Saturn
10. Heart -Sun
11. Blood-Sun, Mars
12. Right eye-Sun
13. Upper back-Sun
14. Thoracic spine-Sun
15. Brain - Moon
16. Pineal gland - Moon
17. Hypothalamus - Moon
18. Nerve - Moon, Mercury
19. Glands - Moon, Mercury
20. Breast - Moon
21. Esophagus - Moon
22. Stomach - Moon
23. Ovaries - Moon, Venus
24. Uterus - Moon, Venus
25. Testes - Moon, Venus
26. Bladder - Moon
27. Buttocks - Moon
28. Bone marrow - Moon
29. Lymph - Moon, Mercury
30. Left eye - Moon
31. Blood cells - Mars
32. Gallbladder- Mars, Jupiter
33. adrenal glands- Mars
34. Muscles- Mars
35. Tendons- Mars
36. genitals- Mars
37. Arteries- Mars
38. Head- Mars
39. Face- Mars
40. Ears - Mercury
41. Lungs, bronchial- Mercury
42. Chest- Mercury
43. Hands and arms- Mercury
44. Spinal cord- Mercury
45. Tongue- Mercury, Venus
46. Throat- Mercury
47. Tonsils- Mercury
43. Mouth- Mercury
44. Gums- Mercury
45. Larynx- Mercury
46. Liver - Jupiter
47. Digestive tract- Jupiter
48. Bile- Jupiter
49. Pancreas- Jupiter
50. Abdomen- Jupiter
51. Intestine- Jupiter
52. Navel- Jupiter
53. Hips- Jupiter
54. Feet- Jupiter
55. Thyroid glands- Jupiter
56. Kidney - Venus
57. Genital and urinary system - Venus
58. Hormones - Venus
59. Sex - Venus
60. Puberty - Venus
61. Fluids - Venus
62. Bladder - Venus
63. Prostate gland - Venus
64. Urine - Venus
65. Lips - Venus
66. Mucus - Venus
67. Discharge - Venus
68. Veins - Venus
69. Reproductive organs - Venus

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Emotions of planets of prana remedy

Our emotional phase of mind make develop its nature and constitution by the influence of all 7 planet. We can easily make the individuality of the patient. Please first identify the planet of the individual, according to his/ her birth day, hour and month. Then verify the emotional phase of mind symptoms.

1. Serious - Saturn
2. Moralistic - Saturn
3. Worrisome - Saturn
4. Despair - Saturn,Sun
5. Depression - Saturn,Sun
6. Cold hearted - Saturn
7. Melancholic - Saturn
8. Pasimistic - Saturn
9. Sorrow's - Saturn
10. Aspirations - Sun
11. Emotional & broken heart- Sun
12. Apathy- Sun
13. Hopelessness- Sun
14. Sympathy- Sun,Moon,Venus
15. Love- Sun,Venus
16. Grief- Sun,Mercury
17. Suicidal- Sun
18. Emotional desire- Sun
19. Sentimental & excitable- Sun, Venus
20. Anxiety - Moon,Mercury
21. Fear,phobia,fright- Moon,Venus
22. Panic attack- Moon
23. Hysterical- Moon,Mercury
24. Jealousy- Moon,Mars,Venus
25. Suspicious- Moon
26. Mania- Moon,Mars
27. Sensitive- Moon,Mercury
28. Addiction- Moon,Venus
29. Anger - Mars
30. Abusive- Mars
31. Animal like- Mars
32. Confidence- Mars
33. Bravery- Mars
34. Courage- Mars
35. Assertive- Mars
36. Ambitious- Mars
37. Aggressive- Mars
38. Irritability- Mars
39. Impatient- Mars
40. Impulsive- Mars
41. Competitive- Mars
42. Madness- Mars
43. Passionate- Mars,Venus
44. Rashness- Mars
45. Restless- Mars,Mercury
46. Violent- Mars
47. Will power- Mars
48. Changeable-Mercury
49. Moody-Mercury,Venus
50. Nervous-Mercury
51. Over reactive & unstable-Mercury
52. Jovial- Jupiter
53. Greedy- Jupiter
54. Insecurity- Jupiter
55. Contentment- Venus
56. Joy, happiness- Venus
57. Affectionate- Venus
58. Romantic- Venus