Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Disorder of planet Moon of prana remedy

Our physiological function of body make develop its functions, nature and constitution by the influence of all 7 planet. They can make disorder with there target organs. We can easily fiend out the disease. Please first identify the planet of the individual, according to his/ her birth.

miasma: All miasma, but prominent ( psoro- tuber)and cancerous diathesis.
1. Brain disorder
2. Addiction
3. Alcoholism
4. Epilepsy
5. Fainting
6. Vertigo
7. Breast disease
8. Mastitis
9. Nursing
10. Hormonal disorder
11. Infertility
12. Menstrual disorder
13. Menopause
14. Morning sickness
15. PMS
16. importance
17. Bed wetting
18. Bleeding
19. Cancer
20.  Coma
21. Chorea
22. Hemophilia
23.  Parasites
24. Paralysis
25. Stroke
26. Worms
27. Stomach disorder
28. Dyspepsia
29. Eating disorder
30. Motion sickness
31. Nausea
32. Vomiting
33. Sleep disorder
34. Insomnia
35. Nightmares
36. Sleep walking
37. Night watching

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