Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Feelings of live alone without help.

Cross references:

2.Confidence want / self assurance - Lack of confidence, for make social interaction. The act of assuring; a declaration tending to inspire full confidence; that which is designed to give confidence.

3.Company desire - A group of individuals with a common purpose.

4.Isolation - chiefly uncountable the state of being isolated, detached or separation.


6.Always alon: she is - sensation as if.

7. Graveyard: alone in a -sensation as if.

8. Wilderness: alone in a - sensation as if.

9. World, alone in the -sensation as if.

10. Unfit for, he is - sensation as if.

11. Confidence in him; his friends have lost all -sensation as if.

12.Confusion; others will absurd her -sensation as if.

13.Criminal he is a -sensation as if.

14.Criticized, she is -sensation as if.

15. Danger, impression of -sensation as if

16. Every, disease he has -sensation as if

17. Unrecognised disease, he has an -sensation as if

18. Enemy, everyone is an -sensation as if.

19. Family, dose not belong to her own -sensation as if.

20. Friend, affection of ; has lost he -sensation as if.

21. Loss of friend: she is about to -sensation as if.

22. Friendless he is- sensation as if.

23. Help, calling for - sensation as if.

24. Away from home, he is -sensation as if.

25. Husband, he is not her - sensation as if.

26. He or she is neglected - sensation as if.

27. Outcast, she were an -sensation as if

28. He is persecuted- sensation as if

29. Poor, he is- sensation as if

30. Reproach, he has neglected his duty and deserves- sensation as if

31. Repudiated; he is: relative by his- sensation as if

32.Right doing nothing right,he is- sensation as if

33. World from the; he is separated -sensation as if

34.Succeed, he does everything wrong: he can't -sensation as if

35. Faithless wife is- sensation as if

36. Run away from him; wife will -sensation as if

37. Done wrong: he has -sensation as if

Contradictory rubrics:

1.Irresolution- lack of resolution, lack of decision or purpose.
Frightened afraid, suffering from fear.

2.Restlessness - the state or condition of being restless; an inability to be still, quite, at peace or comfortable.

3.Anxiety - an unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension & obsession or concern about some uncertain event.

4.Fear - a strong, uncontrollable, unpleasant emotions, caused by actual or perceived danger or threat.

5.Excitement - the state of being excited, emotionally aroused.

6.Impatience - lacking patience, restlessness and intolerance of delays.

7.Anguish - extreme pain, either of body or mind.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Online prescription with Dr Md. SHAHRIAR KABIR , (B H M S),Lecturer Department of Chronic Diseases, case taking & Repertoriezation of Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Mirpur 14, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Today we can give facilities Only for Bangladeshi patients,please give us your total disease history in details, for per prescription & case analysis you should pay us 500 Bangladeshi Tk (200 for analysis+ 300 for visit of our expert) via B cash, DBBMB & M cash . During case submition time you have an option of payment, where you find some mobile number for mobile banking transection. After transection you have a Tranx id no in your message, please write the real Tranx  Id in a indicating box for ensure your submission. After submission we want 2 working day for proper assessment and analysis of your case. During this time, if any data or symptoms may omit or need justify clearly, our expert team give video or voice call  to you. After fulfill your case analysis, we give your prescription via mail or message to your phone or email ID. For analysis & advice please submit your case here -Submit us

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Kali phosphoricum , uncommon symptoms

"According to Schussler : Kali phos is contained in the cells of the brain, nerves,muscles,blood( corpuscles and plasma) and intercellular fluids.
Disturbances in the motions of its molecules produces-
1. In thought cells; Despondency, anxiety, fearfulness, tearfulness, homesickness, suspiciousness, agoraphobia and weak memory.
2. In vasomotor nerves first small and frequent pups; later retarded.
3. In sensory nerves pain with sensation of paralysis.
4. In motor nerves weakness of muscles and nerves even to paralysis.
5. In Trophic fibre of sympathetic nerves retarded nutrition; even total arrest in a limited area of cells and then softening."
                       - J. H. Clarke, A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica,voll-II, page no-(151-152)Reprint edition-2005 by IBPP
"1. Marked disturbances of the sympathetic nervous system.
2. Remember it's in the treatment of suspected malignant tumors, after removal of cancer when in the healing process skin is drawn tight over the wound.
3. Seasickness without nausea.
4. Sleeplessness, from worry, business trouble.
5. Stumbling and awkwardness, due to softening of spinal cord.
6. Axillary sweat smells of onions.
7. Paretic condition of rectum & colon after removal of piles.
8. Foul; putrid odour; caused by fright, depressions & exhaustion. While eating.
9. Deafness, from atrophic condition of nerves.
10. Weaknesses of sight loss of perceptive power of eyes; after diphtheria;  from exhaustion. Strabismus after brain disease."
             - Frans Vermeulen, Concordant Materia Medica, page-( 555-557), Edition-2001 by I B P P.

"11. Headache are relieved by gentle motions.
12. Drooping of eyelids.
13. Right sided neuralgia of face, relived by cold applications.
14. Asthma, least food aggregates."
                        - William Boericke, Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Page no-(377-378), reprint edition-2008 by B. Jain

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Kali phosphoricum, mind

SALT OF MOON acording to the Lotus theorem of ROBIN MURPHY, ND

" Kali phos, the great nerve and brain remedy, is indicated, and is the chief remedy in all mental disorders, when arising from a want of nerve or brain power."
-       George W. Carey, MD, The Biochemic System of Medicine, page no-71, reprint edition-1998 by B. Jain.

A deficiency of this salt is indicated by the following symptoms:-

"1.Morose, irritable; tearful.
2. Aversion to be talked to, everything is too much; depression. Extreme lassitude and depression.
3. Can't recall names or words.
4. Lethargy; mind sluggish, but will act if aroused.
5.Exhaustion after moderate mental effort.
6. Flies in a passion and can hardly articulate.
7. Tongue feels thick.
8. Restless, nervous; starting.
9. Perverted affection, cruel to husband; to baby.
10. Indifferent and captious."
                 - J. H. CLARKE, A Dictionary of practical Materia Medica, Voll-II, Page no-154, Reprint edition- June 2005 by IBPP

"11. Indisposition to meet people.
12.Very nervous, Starts easily, irritable. Brain fag, hysteria; night terrors.
13. Somnambulance.
14. Slightly labor seems a heavy task.
15. Great disposition about business."
               - William Boericke, Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & repertory, page no -377, reprint edition 2008 by B Jain.

"16. Apprehension about future, his health.
17. Fear of crowd, death, being alone, etc.
18. Sensitive to noise during menses.
19. Gesture; wringing the hands.
20. Irritability when spoken to.
21. Oversensitive children."
             -Frans Vermeulen, concordant Materia Medica, page no-555, edition Indian 2001 by IBPP.

"22. Aversion to her won. Religious melancholy."
                 - Robin Murphy, Lotus Materia Medica, page no-954, Indian edition-2002 by B Jain.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Phosphoricum acidum, mind

"1.stupor is that the patient is easily aroused and than is fully conscious.
2. The mind is confused; thought can't be connected; thinking make he dizzy.
3. Sensation as if the feet were rising until he stood on his head.
4. Odour take away of his breath.
5.When reading a thousand others thoughts came into his head, and he could not rightly comprehend anything; what he read become dark in his head, and he immediately forgot all; what he had long known he could only recall with difficulty, Such States of mind and the sense are frequently observed in those under the influence of grief and other depressing emotions; from over study. Can't connect his thought.
6.Anxious inquiries respecting the disease under treatment.
7. Silent(sadness) peevishness and aversion to conversation. Patient dose not want anything, nor to speak, show no interest in the outside world.
8. Inability to endure noise or conversations.
9. Paucity of ideas and unfitness for intellectual labour."
                   - J. H. CLARKE; A dictionary of practical Materia Medica, Voll- III, Page no-(762-766), Reprint edition June 2005 by IBPP.

"10. Mental debility first; later physical.
11. Listless, impaired memory. Can't collect his thoughts or fiend the right word."
             - William Boericke; pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory, Page no-504, Reprint edition-2008, by B. Jain.

"12. Hysteria at change of life. Pining with emaciation."
               - Robin Murphy, Lotus Materia Medica, Page no-1341, Indian edition September 2002 by B. Jain.

"13. Answer either reluctantly and slowly, or short and incorrectly."
             - C. Hearing, Condensed Materia Medica, page no-771, Sixth Indian edition-1972 by M. B & co. Private Ltd.

"14. Apathetic; from unequal struggling with adverse circumstances, mental and physical.
15. Brain fag. Wants nothing and cares for nothing. Dullness when alone.
16. Ailments from disappointed of love & silent grief.
17. Sadness from masturbation."
              - Frans Vermeulen, Concordant Materia Medica, page no-750, IBPP-2001

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Syphilis Miasma part 1

" The second chronic miasma, which is more widely spread than the figwart disease, and which for three and a half(now four) centuries has been the source of many others chronic ailments, is the miasm of the general disease proper, the changed disease ( syphilis). This disease only causes difficulties in its cure, if it is entangled(complicated) with a Psora that has been already far developed- with sycosis it is complicated but rarely, but then usually at the same time with pasora."

               - Dr C.F.S. Hahnemann

SIMPLE DISCUSSION: According to DR. C. F. S. Hahnemann's concept- in the history of human civilization the miasmatic evolutions may occur, first Psora and then second Chancer disease( syphilis).
Syphilis may developed it's functions in Hunan civilization after Psora and before figwart disease( sycosis).

Due to it's natural event ( rapidly destruction) the chancer disease spread out over all the world rapidly in a short duration of time, then figwart disease( sycosis), because it's slow in nature. Maybe or may not be after psora the next 2 miasm starts their journey in a equal period of time with Human civilization. But the chancer disease become second against figwart disease by it's rapidly development overall the human civilization.

The miasm is not a matter as like as sugar and water, so they can't mixed each others. Sometimes with a ( active developed psoric phase )patient conditions, the syphilis can make it's wide and deeply development in this individual.
Before activation of syphilitic dyscrasia, the ancient Psora can make a suitable soil for easily development of syphilitic dyscrasia.
So after development of syphilis with an active psoric phase, the total entangled ( complicated) phase become so difficulty for understanding with us.

Miasm is nothing but a deranged state of vital force. Which can make negative susceptibility( susceptible to any external influence which harmful for the individual or the Human civilization).We say them fundamental miasm, which can spread out( the deranged state of vital force) it man to man, civilization to civilization.

By the way, some time the syphilitic dayscrasia may  complicate with sycotic stigmata. Without psoric influence only syphilitic dyscrasia can't complicated with sycotic stigmata. Psora give event for developing them( syplhis & sycosis). This conditions was rarely present in Hahnemann's time, but available in modern time.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Normal Susceptibility ( susceptibility part 3)

"An organism in perfect represents health. This fine balance, even in the presence of adverse environment factors, is a resultant of different process that are going on within and which maintain the optimum conditions. In the higher forms of life the neuro- endocrine system represents the homeostatic control which regulates the various process of anabolism and catabolism. This fine regulations is feasible only as long as a predetermined response follows a given stimulus. This is possible only when a cells the unit of life exhibits what we call normal susceptibility. Any change in the normal susceptibility will interfere with the capacity of pre- determined response and this interference will be reflected in a chain response which ultimately leads to a loss of balance as evidence by the development of disease. As normal susceptibility is essential for the maintenance of health, and disease result from abnormal susceptibility, all rational therapeutics will aim at the restoration of normal susceptibility."
                              - Dr. M.L.Dhawale, principles and practice of Homoeopathy, Page no-244, edition-2000, by institute of clinical research.

Dr. C. F. S. Hahnemann mentioned it in his organon of medicine's sixth edition in aphorism no 9-" in the healthy condition of man, the spiritual vital force (autocracy), the dynamics that animates the material body (organism), rules with unbounded sway, and retains all the parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both sensation and function, so that our indwelling, reason- gifted mind can freely employ this living, healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence."

In other aphorism no 10 He mentioned that " The material organism, without the vital force , is capable of no sensation, no function, no self preservation, it derived all sensation and performs all the functions of life solely by means of the immaterial being ( the vital principle) which animates the material organism in health and in disease."

On the other hand , according to the concept of Dr H A Robert he mentioned it in his book the principle and art of cure by Homoeopathy in Page no 35 under chapter of vital force as -" we recognize life in three parts, the body, the mind and the spirit. This is a trinity and this trinity is always present in all life and in some form in every parts of our organism. These force react in sympathy and are inter dependent. We are prone to think of attained life as composed of those three member's which make it a trinity, but we must remember also that is a unity from its inception. When the two parent cell are united that vital principal, the vital energy, is Already present ; and the ego of the completed cell dose not change one after once beginning its process; it has in itself and of itself the power to develop the cell, the physical Al, because of the continual flowing through them of the vital energy that dominates the whole."

On the other concept of Dr Stuart close he mentioned it in his book of The Genius of Homoeopathy in page no 60- " Life is  the invisible, substantial, intelligent, individual, coordinating power and  cause directing and controlling the forces involved in the production and activity of any organism possessing individuality. Health is that balanced condition of the living organism in which the integral, harmonious performance of the vital functions tends to the preservation of the organism and the normal development of the individual."

So normal susceptibility is the normal function of vital principle.