Showing posts with label remedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remedy. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Understanding the rubric Dropsy

The rubric Dropsy is not a complete rubric; its not a prescribing rubric without understanding its causative factor. Here some remedy with their etiological fact.

Acetic Acid: Anemia
Adonis Vernalis: Cardiac
Apis mell:  Renal
Apocynum cannabinum: General
Ars alb: inflammation
Blatta americana: hepato- bronchial
cainca: renal
China officinalis: vital fluids loss
Cholchicum autumnale: gout
Covallaria majalis: cardiac
Crataegus oxyacantha: cardiac
Digitalis purpurea: cardia
Fluoricum acidum: syphilitic,goitre & mercurial poisoning
Helleborus niger: CNS
Kali iodatum: Syphilitic
kali nitricum: cardiac
Lachesis muta: cardiac
Liatrs spicata: hepato spleenic
Oxydendron arboreum: renal and vascular
phaseolus nanus: cardio bronchial
Squilla maritima: cardio bronchial
Strophanthus hispidus: cardiac
Terebinthiniae oleum: renal
Acetanilidum: cardiac
Copaiva officinalis: urticaria
Dulcamara: sycotic damp
Elaterium officinarum: vitamin C deficiency
Eupatorium purpureum: renal
Euphorbium officinarum: erysipelatous inflammation
Ferrum metalicum: loss of vital fluide
Galium aparine: urinary system
Hep sulp cal: Scrofulous diathesis & mercurial poisoning
Iodium: metabolic
Iris versicolor: endocrine
Lac vaccinum defloratum : malnutrition
Aconitum napellus: acute inflammation
Ammonium benzoicum: gouty renal
Arsenicum iodatum: cardio bronchial
Asclepias cornuti: hepato renal cardiac & post scarlatinal
Benzoicum acidum: metabolic renal
Bryonia alb: rheumatic
cactus grandifolia: cardio vascular
Calcarea carbonicum: metabolic & rheumatic
carduus marianus: hepato portal
Cochlearia armoraeia: almergic
Lactuca virosa: inflammation of chest
Lycopodium clavatum: hepato renal & metabolic
Mercurius dulcis: cardio renal
Nitri spiritus dulcis: ill effects of salt, acute nephritis following scarlet fever
Oniscus osellus: broncio renal
Prunus spinosa: renal
Rhus toxicodendron: rheumatic
Sambucas nigrs: bronchial
Solidagi virsaurea: bronchial
Thlaspia bursa pasturis: haemorrhage & uterine

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Special Precautions ,Warnings & SIDE EFFECTS Of some poly Crest mother tincture

ASafoetida : 
Children: Asafoetida is UNSAFEfor infants when taken by mouth because it might cause certain blood disorders. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It is UNSAFE to take asafoetida by mouth if you are pregnant. It might cause a miscarriage. Avoid use. It is also UNSAFE to take asafoetida by mouth if you are breast-feeding. The chemicals in asafoetida could pass into breast milk and then cause bleeding disorders in the nursing infant. Avoid use.Bleeding disorders: There is concern that asafoetida might increase the risk of bleeding. Don’t use asafoetida if you have a bleeding disorder. Epilepsy or history of convulsions: Don’t use asafoetida if you have epilepsy or some other central nervous system condition that might lead to seizures or convulsions.Stomach and intestinal (gastrointestinal, GI) problems: Asafoetida can irritate the GI tract. Don’t use it of you have a GI infection or other GI condition. High blood pressure (hypertension) or low blood pressure (hypotension): There is some concern that asafoetida might interfere with blood pressure control. Avoid use if you have a blood pressure problem. Surgery: Asafoetida might slow blood clotting. There is concern that asafoetida might increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. Stop taking asafoetida at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Do not use ashwagandha if you are pregnant. It is ratedLIKELY UNSAFE during pregnancy. There is some evidence that ashwagandha might cause miscarriages. Not enough is known about the use of ashwagandha during breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use. Diabetes: Ashwagandha might lower blood sugar levels. This could interfere with medications used for diabetes and cause blood sugar levels to go to low. If you have diabetes, monitor your blood sugar closely. High or low blood pressure: Ashwagandha might decrease blood pressure. This could cause blood pressure to go to low in people with low blood pressure; or interfere with medications used to treat high blood pressure. Ashwagandha should be used cautiously if you have low blood pressure or take medications for your blood pressure.Stomach ulcers: Ashwagandha can irritate the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Don’t use ashwagandha if you have a stomach ulcer.“Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Ashwagandha might cause the immune system to become more active, and this could increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases. If you have one of these conditions, it’s best to avoid using ashwagandha. Surgery: Ashwagandha may slow down the central nervous system. Healthcare providers worry that anesthesia and other medications during and after surgery might increase this effect. Stop taking ashwagandha at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery. Thyroid disorders: Ashwagandha might increase thyroid hormone levels. Ashwagandha should be used cautiously or avoided if you have a thyroid condition or take thyroid hormone medications.

Avena sativa:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Avens might beUNSAFE to take if you are pregnant. It seems to affect the menstrual cycle, and this might cause a miscarriage.


Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Don’t take calendula by mouth if you are pregnant. It isLIKELY UNSAFE. There is a concern that it might cause a miscarriage. It’s best to avoid topical use as well until more is known. There is not enough reliable information about the safety of using calendula if you are breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.Allergy to ragweed and related plants: Calendula may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae family. Members of this family include ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, and many others. If you have allergies, be sure to check with your healthcare provider before taking calendula.Surgery: Calendula might cause too much drowsiness if combined with medications used during and after surgery. Stop taking calendula at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

But it isPOSSIBLY UNSAFE for your baby if you take capsicum by mouth. Skin problems (dermatitis) have been reported in breast-fed infants when mothers eat foods heavily spiced with capsicum peppers. Children: Applying capsicum to the skin of children under two years of age is POSSIBLY UNSAFE. Not enough is known about the safety of giving capsicum to children by mouth. Don’t do it. Damaged or broken skin: Don’t use capsicum on damaged or broken skin. Surgery: Capsicum might increase bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using capsicum at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking chirata if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.Diabetes. Chirata might lower blood sugar levels in some people. Watch for signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and monitor your blood sugar carefully if you have diabetes and use chirata as a medicine. Intestinal (duodenal) ulcers: Chirata can make ulcers in the intestine worse. Surgery. Chirata might lower blood sugar. In theory, chirata might interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgical procedures. Stop using chirata as a medicine at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Don’t use cinchona if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. There is some evidence that cinchona isUNSAFE to use during pregnancy. Not much is known about the safety of using cinchona if you are breast-feeding, so it’s best to avoid it.Stomach or intestinal ulcers: Don’t use cinchona if you have ulcers. It might increase the risk of bleeding. Surgery: Cinchona can slow blood clotting, so there is a concern that it might increase the risk of extra bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using cinchona at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding:There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking damiana if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.Diabetes: Damiana might affect blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Watch for signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and monitor your blood sugar carefully if you have diabetes and use damiana. Surgery: Since damiana seems to affect blood glucose levels, there is a concern that it might interfere with blood glucose control during and after surgery. Stop using damiana at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Pregnancy or breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of echinacea during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use. “Auto-immune disorders” such as such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a skin disorder called pemphigus vulgaris, or others: Echinacea might have an effect on the immune system that could make these conditions worse. Don’t take echinacea if you have an auto-immune disorder. An inherited tendency toward allergies (atopy): People with this condition are more likely to develop an allergic reaction to echinacea. It’s best to avoid exposure to echinacea if you have this condition.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Eucalyptus isLIKELY SAFE for pregnant and breast-feeding women when consumed in food amounts. But don’t use eucalyptus oil. Not enough is known about safety during pregnancy or breast-feeding. Children: Eucalyptus oil is LIKELY UNSAFE for children. It should not be taken by mouth or applied to the skin. Not much is known about the safety of using eucalyptus leaves in children. It’s best to avoid use in amounts larger than food amounts. Diabetes: Early research suggests eucalyptus leaf might lower blood sugar. There is concern that using eucalyptus while taking medications for diabetes might lower blood sugar too much. Blood sugar levels should be monitored closely. Surgery: Since eucalyptus might affect blood sugar levels, there is concern that it might make blood sugar control difficult during and after surgery. Stop using eucalyptus at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Ginger is LIKELY SAFE for most people. Some people can have mild side effects including heartburn, diarrhea, and general stomach discomfort. Some women have reported extra menstrual bleeding while taking ginger. When ginger is applied to the skin, it may cause irritation. Special Precautions & Warnings:Pregnancy: Using ginger during pregnancy is controversial. There is some concern that ginger might affect fetal sex hormones. There is also a report of miscarriage during week 12 of pregnancy in a woman who used ginger for morning sickness. However, studies in pregnant women suggest that ginger can be used safely for morning sickness without harm to the baby. The risk for major malformations in infants of women taking ginger does not appear to be higher than the usual rate of 1% to 3%. Also there doesn’t appear to be an increased risk of early labor or low birth weight. There is some concern that ginger might increase the risk of bleeding, so some experts advise againsting using it close to your delivery date. As with any medication given during pregnancy, it’s important to weigh the benefit against the risk. Before using ginger during pregnancy, talk it over with your healthcare provider. Breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the safety of using ginger during breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and don’t use it.Bleeding disorders: Taking ginger might increase your risk of bleeding. Diabetes: Ginger might lower your blood sugar. As a result, your diabetes medications might need to be adjusted by your healthcare provider. Heart conditions: High doses of ginger might worsen some heart conditions.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Ginkgo isPOSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth during pregnancy. It might cause early labor or extra bleeding during delivery if used near that time. Not enough is known about the safety of using ginkgo during breast-feeding. Do not use ginkgo if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.Infants and children: Ginkgo leaf extract isPOSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth for a short time. Some research suggests that a specific combination of ginkgo leaf extract plus American ginseng might be safe in children when used short-term. Do not let children eat the ginkgo seed. It is LIKELY UNSAFE.Diabetes: Ginkgo might interfere with the management of diabetes. If you have diabetes, monitor your blood sugar closely. Seizures: There is a concern that ginkgo might cause seizures. If you have ever had a seizure, don’t use ginkgo. Infertility: Ginkgo use might interfere with getting pregnant. Discuss your use of ginkgo with your healthcare provider if you are trying to get pregnant. Bleeding disorders: Ginkgo might make bleeding disorders worse. If you have a bleeding disorder, don’t use ginkgo. Surgery: Ginkgo might slow blood clotting. It might cause extra bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using ginkgo at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Panax ginseng:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Panax ginseng is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taking by mouth during pregnancy. One of the chemicals in Panax ginseng has been found to cause birth defects in animals. Do not use Panax ginseng if you are pregnant. Not enough is known about the safety of Panax ginseng during breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and don’t use it.Infants and children: Panax ginseng is LIKELY UNSAFE in infants and children. Using Panax ginseng in babies has been linked to poisoning that can be fatal. The safety of Panax ginseng in older children is not known. Until more is known, do not use Panax ginseng even in older children. “Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Panax ginseng seems to increase the activity of the immune system. It might make auto-immune diseases worse. Don’t use Panax ginseng if you have any auto-immune condition. Bleeding conditions: Panax ginseng seems to interfere with blood clotting. Don’t use Panax ginseng if you have a bleeding condition. Heart conditions: Panax ginseng can affect heart rhythm and blood pressure slightly on the first day it is used. However, there are usually no changes with continued use. Nevertheless, Panax ginseng has not been studied in people with cardiovascular disease. Use Panax ginseng with caution if you have heart disease. Diabetes: Panax ginseng might lower blood sugar. In people with diabetes who are taking medications to lower blood sugar, adding Panax ginseng might lower blood sugar too much. Monitor your blood sugar closely if you have diabetes and use Panax ginseng.Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Panax ginseng contains chemicals (ginsenosides) that can act like estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to estrogen, don’t use Panax ginseng.Trouble sleeping (insomnia): High doses of Panax ginseng have been linked with insomnia. If you have trouble sleeping, use Panax ginseng with caution. Schizophrenia (a mental disorder): High doses of Panax ginseng have been linked with sleep problems and agitation in people with schizophrenia. Be careful when using Panax ginseng if you have schizophrenia.Organ transplant: Panax ginseng might make the immune system more active. This could interfere with the effectiveness of medications that are given after an organ transplant to reduce the chance that the organ will be rejected. If you have received an organ transplant, don’t use Panax ginseng.

Children: Ipecac is LIKELY SAFE for children when used appropriately as a prescription product to induce vomiting. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendation to keep a 1-ounce bottle of syrup of ipecac at home has recently been reversed. The new statement reads, “Syrup of ipecac should no longer be routinely used as a poison treatment intervention in the home.” The thinking is that keeping ipecac at home hasn’t been proven to save lives. Talk with your healthcare provider or poison control center about how to use ipecac correctly in cases of poisoning in children. Ipecac is UNSAFE when used in high doses or in children under the age of one year. Children are more sensitive than adults to the side effects of ipecac. Misuse of ipecac can lead to serious poisoning, heart damage, and death. Signs of poisoning include difficulty breathing, digestive tract problems, abnormal heart rates, blood in the urine, convulsions, shock, coma, and death.Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It is LIKELY UNSAFE to use ipecac if you are pregnant. It might stimulate the uterus and cause a miscarriage. Not enough is known about the safety of using ipecac if you are breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.Unconsciousness or certain kinds of poisonings: Ipecac should not be used in people who are unconscious or have been poisoned with certain chemicals including corrosives, petroleum products, strychnine, and others. Talk to your healthcare provider or poison control center about whether ipecac is appropriate to use in each case of suspected poisoning. If ipecac is used incorrectly, serious complications can arise including damage of the esophagus, pneumonia, and convulsions.Digestive tract problems including ulcers, infections, or Crohn's disease: Ipecac can irritate the digestive tract. Don’t use it if you have one of these conditions. Heart disease: Ipecac can affect the heart. Don’t use it if you have a heart condition.

Children: Taking neem seeds or oil by mouth isLIKELY UNSAFE for children. Serious side effects in infants and small children can happen within hours after taking neem oil. These serious side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, blood disorders, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, brain disorders, and death. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Neem oil and neem bark are LIKELY UNSAFEwhen taken by mouth during pregnancy. They can cause a miscarriage. Not enough is known about the safety of need during breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use. “Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Neem might cause the immune system to become more active. This could increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases. If you have one of these conditions, it’s best to avoid using neem. Diabetes: There is some evidence that neem can lower blood sugar levels and might cause blood sugar to go too low. If you have diabetes and use neem, monitor your blood sugar carefully. It might be necessary to change the dose of your diabetes medication. Reduced ability to have children (infertility): There is some evidence that neem can harm sperm. It might also reduce fertility in other ways. If you are trying to have children, avoid using neem. Organ transplant: There is a concern that neem might decrease the effectiveness of medications that are used to prevent organ rejection. Do not use neem if you have had an organ transplant. Surgery: Neem might lower blood sugar levels. There is a concern that it might interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. Stop using neem at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Papaya isPOSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth during pregnancy. Do not take papaya by mouth in medicinal amounts if you are pregnant. There is some evidence that unprocessed papain, one of the chemicals found in papaya, might poison the fetus or cause birth defects. Not enough is known about the safety of papaya during breast-feeding. It is best to avoid taking it in amounts higher than normal food amounts. Diabetes: Papaya that has been fermented can lower blood sugar. People with diabetes who are taking medications to lower their blood sugar should pay close attention to their blood sugar as adjustments to medications might be needed. Low blood sugar: Papaya that has been fermented can lower blood sugar. Taking this form of papaya might make blood sugar too low in people who already have low blood sugar. Papain allergy: Papaya contains papain. If you are allergic to papain, avoid eating papaya or taking products that contain papaya.Latex allergy: If you are allergic to latex, there is a good chance you are also be allergic to papaya. If you have a latex allergy, avoid eating papaya or taking products that contain papaya.Surgery: Papaya that has been fermented can lower blood sugar. In theory, this form of papaya might affect blood sugary during and after surgery. If you are taking papaya, you should stop 2 weeks before surgery.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Pulsatilla isUNSAFE when taken by mouth during pregnancy. Both the fresh plant and the dried plant might cause a miscarriage or birth defects. Applying fresh pulsatilla directly to the skin is also considered UNSAFE. Don’t do it. Not enough is known about the safety of applying dried pulsatilla directly to the skin during pregnancy. Stay on the safe side and avoid use. It’s UNSAFE to take fresh pulsatilla by mouth or apply it to the skin during breast-feeding. Not enough is known about the safety of the dried plant when taken by mouth or applied to the skin. Don’t use it.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It’s UNSAFE to use strophanthus if you are pregnant. It might make the uterus contract, and this could cause a miscarriage. It’s also UNSAFE to use strophanthus if you are breast-feeding. Heart conditions: Strophanthus may cause irregular heartbeat. Don’t use strophanthus if you have a heart condition, without the direct supervision of a healthcare provider.

Pregnancy: There is some evidence that Terminalia arjuna is POSSIBLY UNSAFE during pregnancy. The safety of the other two species during pregnancy is unknown. It’s best to avoid using any terminalia species. Breast-feeding: There is not enough reliable information about the safety of Terminalia if you are breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.Diabetes: Terminalia might lower blood sugar levels. Your diabetes medications might need to be adjusted by your healthcare provider.Surgery: Terminalia might decrease blood sugar levels and interfere with blood sugar control during surgery. Stop taking Terminalia at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It’s LIKELY UNSAFE to take thuja by mouth if you are pregnant. Thuja might cause a miscarriage. It is also LIKELY UNSAFE to take thuja by mouth if you are breast-feeding because of possible toxicity. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.“Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Thuja might cause the immune system to become more active, and this could increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases. If you have one of these conditions, it’s best to avoid using thuja.Seizures: Taking thuja might cause seizures in some people. Don’t take thuja if you have a history of having seizures.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Taking tribulus during pregnancy is POSSIBLY UNSAFE. Animal research suggests that tribulus might harm fetal development. Not enough is known about the safety of using tribulus during breast-feeding. It’s best not to use tribulus if you are pregnant or nursing. Prostate problems or prostate cancer: There is a concern that tribulus might make prostate conditions such as benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) or prostate cancer worse. Developing research suggests that tribulus can increase prostate weight. Diabetes. Tribulus might decrease blood sugar levels. Dose of diabetes medications might need to be adjusted by your healthcare provider. Surgery: Tribulus might affect blood sugar levels. This might interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. Stop using tribulus at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Pregnancy or breast-feeding: Yohimbe isLIKELY UNSAFE. Yohimbe might affect the uterus and endanger the pregnancy. It might also poison the unborn child. Don’t take yohimbe if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.Bleeding conditions: Taking yohimbe might increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders. Schizophrenia: Use yohimbe with caution. The yohimbine in yohimbe might make people with schizophrenia psychotic. Prostate problems: Use yohimbe with caution. Yohimbe might make the symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) worse. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Don’t use yohimbe. There is a report that four individuals with PTSD suffered worse symptoms after using yohimbe. Liver disease: Don’t use yohimbe. Liver disease might change the way the body processes yohimbe. Kidney disease: Don’t use yohimbe. There is a concern that yohimbine might slow or stop the flow of urine. High blood pressure or low blood pressure: Don’t use yohimbe. Small amounts of yohimbine can increase blood pressure. Large amounts can cause dangerously low pressure. Chest pain or heart disease: Don’t use yohimbe. Yohimbine can seriously harm the heart. Anxiety: Don’t use yohimbe. Yohimbine might make anxiety worse. Depression: Don’t use yohimbe. Yohimbine might bring out manic-like symptoms in people with bipolar depression or suicidal tendencies in individuals with depression. Diabetes: Don’t use yohimbe. Yohimbe might interfere with insulin and other medications used for diabetes and cause low blood sugar. Surgery: Yohimbe might increase the risk for bleeding. People who take yohimbe should stop at least 2 weeks before surgery.


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Curative action of Homoeopathic drugs

   'use of drugs in physiological doses has nothing to do with their homoeopathic use. Because homoeopathic remedies are never used in physiological dose. This statement is true, even in those cases where the low reacting power of the patient sometimes requires material doses of the homoeopathic remedy. it would be more accurate to say that homoeopathic medicines are never used for their physiological effects............... The physiological action of a drug is not its therapeutical or curative action. It is exactly the opposite of a curative action, and is never employed in homoeopathic practice for therapeutic purpose .'
                         - STUART CLOSE.

'The minimum dose, therefore, should not be confused with the infinitesimal dose. Under certain circumstances like low susceptibility, the minimum dose may partake of material characteristic as in the use of tinctures. The practices of homoeopathic therapeutics rests not on the small infinitesimal dose but on the selection in accordance with the law of similar. The infinitesimal dose has come to stay in homoeopathic practice as a result of clinical experience for well over a century but we should not identify it with Homoeopathy. '
                     - DR M. L. DHAWALE. MD

'It is possible for a cure of disease to occur by a biologically active agent even in crude form if the resonance or affinity of the person matches closely enough the vibration of the substance......... Whatever therapeutic stimulus to the dynamic plane had occurred from the mineral in crude form originally has finally become too weak to affect the defense mechanism of the person any further......... In order to produce lasting curative result,it is necessary to increase the intensity of the electrodynamic field of the therapeutic agent.'
                 - GEORGE VITHOULKAS

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Zika Virus- Structure, Genome, Symptoms, Transmission, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and homoeopathic remedy

Zika Virus- Structure, Genome, Symptoms, Transmission, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis
Zika Virus (ZIKV) is mosquito-borne emerging flavivirus which was first identified in Zika Forest of Uganda in 1947 in rhesus monkeys. It was later identified in humans in 1968 for the first time in Nigeria. Different outbreaks of Zika virus disease have been recorded in Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific. Its infection is caused by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, usually causing mild fever, rash, conjunctivitis, and muscle pain. In Brazil in May 2015, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alert regarding the first confirmed Zika virus infections.
Group: Group IV ((+) ssRNA)
Family: Flaviviridae
Genus: Flavivirus
Species: Zika virus
Structure of Zika Virus
The virion is approximately 40 nm in diameter with surface projections that measure roughly 5-10 nm.
Nucleocapsid is 25-30 nm in diameter surrounded by a host-membrane derived lipid bilayer.
Contains envelope proteins E and M
Genome of Zika Virus
Non-segmented, single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genome
10794 bases long with two non-coding regions flanking regions known as the 5′ NCR and the 3′ NCR.
Sign and Symptoms of Zika Virus
These symptoms are mild and usually last for 2-7 days.
Skin rashes (exanthema)
Pink eye
Muscle and joint pain
Symptoms are similar to that of dengue or chikungunya.
Epidemiology of Zika Virus
The virus was first isolated in 1947 from a rhesus macaque in the Zika Forest of Uganda.
It was later identified in humans in 1968 for the first time in Nigeria
The first major outbreak, with 185 confirmed cases, was reported in 2007 in the Yap Islands.
The first cases confirmed in Brazil was in May 2015 and the country is currently experiencing the largest epidemic ever recorded with 440,000 to 1,300,000 suspected cases reported by the Brazilian health authorities.
There are 3174 cases and 38 deaths from microcephaly in Brazil as of 21 October 2015.
There has been total death of 152 as of 21 October 2015 in the world.
Affected Countries: Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, Suriname, and Venezuela.
Countries and territories with active Zika virus transmission as of Jan 2016.
Source: CDC
Since November, Brazil has seen nearly 4,000 cases of microcephaly in babies born to women who were infected with Zika during their pregnancies.
Transmission of Zika Virus
Zika virus is transmitted from one people to another through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, mainly Aedes aegypti in tropical regions.
There has been one report of possible spread of the virus through blood transfusion and one report of possible spread of the virus through sexual contact.
In 2015, Zika virus RNA was detected in the amniotic fluid of two fetuses, indicating that it had crossed the placenta and could cause a mother-to-child infection.
The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus , is also known to transmit the virus, but it is not clear how efficiently.
To date, there are no reports of infants getting Zika virus through breastfeeding.
Pathogenesis of Zika Virus
Incubation period in mosquitoes is about 10 days.
The vertebrate hosts of the virus are primarily monkeys and humans.
The pathogenesis of the virus is hypothesized to start with an infection of dendritic cells near the site of inoculation, followed by a spread to lymph nodes and the bloodstream. Flaviviruses generally replicate in the cytoplasm, but Zika virus antigens have been found in infected cell nuclei.
Infection with the virus appears to be linked to the development of unusually small heads and brain damage in newborns (microcephaly).
The most dangerous time is thought to be during the first trimester of Pregnancy– when some women do not realize they are pregnant. Experts do not know how the virus enters the placenta and damages the growing brain of the fetus.
Diagnosis of Zika Virus
Sample: Blood, Saliva, Urine.
PCR: It is useful in the first 3-5 days after the onset of symptoms. It helps in the direct detection of Zika virus RNA or specific viral antigens in clinical specimens.
Serology Test: It detect the presence of antibodies but are useful only after five days.
Treatment of Zika Virus
There is no specific treatment or vaccine currently available.
Prevention and Control of Zika Virus
Avoid travel to areas with an active infestation.
Travelers should take the basic precautions to protect themselves from mosquito bites.
During outbreaks, health authorities may advise that spraying of insecticides be carried out.
Reducing mosquito populations and avoiding bites, which occur mainly during the day.
Eliminating and controlling Aedes aegypti mosquito breeding sites reduces the chances that Zika will be transmitted.
Homoeopathic treatment:



The white oxide of Metallic Arsenic, As2 O3. Solution and trituration.
Abscess. Acne rosacea. Alcoholism. AmenorrhÅ“a. Anæmia. Aphthæ. Asthma. Atrophy. Bronchitis. Brown-ague. Cæcum, affections of. Cancer. Cancrum oris. Carbuncle. Cholera Asiatica. Cholera. Cold. Coldness. Commissures, soreness of. Cough. Coxalgia. Croup. Dandriff. Delirium tremens.Depression of spirits. DiarrhÅ“a. Diphtheria. Dropsy. Duodenum. Dyspepsia. Ears, affections of. Eczema. Endometritis. Enteric fever. Epithelioma. Erysipelas. Eye, affections of. Face, eruption on. Fainting. Fever. Gangrene. Gastric ulcer. Gastritis.Gastrodynia. Glandular swellings. Gout. Hay-asthma. Headache. Heart, affections of. Hectic. Herpes zoster. Hodgkin's disease. Hydro-thorax. Hypochondriasis. Ichthyosis. Indigestion. Intermittent fever. Irritation. Jaundice. Kidney, diseases of. LeucorrhÅ“a.Lichen. Lips, eruption round; epithelioma of. Locomotor ataxy. Lung affections. Lupus. Malignant pustule. Measles. Melancholia. Menstruation, disorders of. Miliary eruptions.MorphÅ“a. Myelitis. Nails, diseased. Nettle-rash. Neuralgia. Neuritis. Nonta pudendi. Numbness. Peritonitis. Perityphlitis. Pityriasis. Plethora. Pleurisy. Pleurodynia. Pneumonia. Psoriasis. Purpura. PyÅ“mia. Pyelitis. Remittent fever. Rheumatic gout. Rheumatism. Rickets. Ringworm. Scaldhead.Scarlatina. Sciatica. Scrofulous affections. Sea-bathing, effects of. Sea-sickness.Shiverings. Stomach, affections of. Strains.Suppuration. Thirst. Throat, sore. Tobacco-habit. Tongue, affections of. Trachea, affections of. Traumatic fever. Typhus. Ulcers. Vomiting. Whooping-cough. Worms. Wounds.Yellow fever.
Arsenic is the horse's remedy; as Puls. is the sheep's, and Antim. crud. the pig's. The reprehensible fashion of "doctoring" horses with Arsenic is merely an abuse of a therapeutic fact. The horse is an animal on whose power of endurance and "wind" enormous demands are made, and Arsenic is the remedy for the effects of feats of prolonged endurance. The Arsenic habit of the Styrian mountaineers has arisen from the discovery of its power of strengthening the muscles both of the limbs and of the breathing apparatus. But in another way the horse typifies the Arsenic temperament. The mental symptoms of my drug, when pronounced, carry precedence of all others. The horse is an exceedingly nervous animal, constantly moving about, restless to a degree, and very prone to take frightquite a picture of the Arsenic temperament. According to Teste Arsen. acts much more powerfully on vegetable-eating animals than on carnivora (opp. Nux v.); and it is suited to the effect's of excess of vegetable diet, melons, strawberries, and fruits in general, especially watery fruits.
The arsenic-eaters of the Tyrol can take as much as six grains of white arsenic, or the sulphide, every two days. They maintain that it imparts a sense of invigoration and enables them to carry enormous loads up perpendicular mountains. According to one account it is resorted to by populations who live on vegetable food almost exclusively. "It strengthens the muscles," an old indulger in the habit is reported to have said, "helps to digest our coarse bread and potatoes, and allows us to breathe freely and easily. Meat-eaters have no need for such a thing, but with us it is a necessity." It is difficult to say how far this is a directly "tonic," effect, and how far curative of the dyscrasia generated by the conditions of life. The fine skin and glossy hair of the young women among the arsenic-eating populations is remarkable, and is comparable to the fine coats of arsenic-fed horses. On the other hand, "staring coat" in animals, and "dry, rough, scaly, unhealthy-looking skin" in human beings are keynote indications for the remedy. In this connection may be mentioned the effects on the crew of the ship Zion, which carried arsenic as a portion of its cargo. This was exposed somewhat to the sun's rays, and the crew noticed a peculiar smell. Soon they all began to notice themselves growing stout, and on reaching Philadelphia from England they had all gained much, one to the extent of two stones in weight.
Restlessness is one of the grand characteristics of Arsenic. Even the stupor ofArsenic is interrupted by fits of restlessness with anxious moaning. Patients are anxious, full of the fear of death, restlessness compelling them to frequently change their position. Hence the applicability of the drug in many nervous affections, notably chorea. Jerks and starts on falling asleep. Irritability, desperately angry; almost furious. Despair, hopelessness, unutterable misery. The irritability and sadness of malarial cachexias; of the cachexias of quinine, mercury, and syphilis. Low types of disease; typhoid states. Inflammations of great intensity with tendency to destruction of tissue. Burning, lancinating pains. Burning is another of the leading characteristics of Arsenic. No other remedy has it in more pronounced degree. The peculiarity of the "burnings" of Ars. is that they are > by heat (herein comparing withCapsic.). The burning in the throat is > by eating or drinking hot things. On the other hand cold food and cold drinks < stomach irritations; hence Ars. is of signal use for effects of eating ices and drinking ice-water.Arsen. affects the entire alimentary tract. The lips are so dry and parched and cracked that the patient often licks them to moisten them. The mouth is aphthous, ulcerated, or gangrenous. The stomach is so irritable that the least food or drink causes distress or vomiting, or stool or both together. Abdominal pains are intense, causing the patient to turn and twist. Hæmorrhoids are exceedingly painful as if burning needles plunged in. States of lowered vitality. The Prostration ofArsen. is remarkable. With it there is the desire to move or be moved constantly. The patient is exhausted from the slightest exertion. Exhaustion is not felt while lying still, but as soon as he moves he is surprised to find himself so weak. The prostration seems out of proportion to the rest of his illness. Must lie down. Exhaustion from hill-climbing, breathless, sleepless. Thirst for little and often (Ant. t., Lyc.), wants it very cold and immediately rejects it (Phos. as soon as it becomes warm). Before and after the cough of Arsenic there is an attack of asthma (Phos.) Arsen. has a great place in acute coryza and hay-fever. The fluent coryza is corrosive, reddening the upper lip, and has more burning than either Merc. or Cepa. Also it is < out of doors, and > in warmth, which distinguishes it from Cepa especially. Arsenicis predominantly right-sided. The neuralgias affect the right side most; the right lung ("acute, sharp, fixed or darting pain in apex and through upper third of right lung") is more affected than the left; also the right side of the abdomen, hence typhlitis. Many dropsical conditions are controlled by Arsen. Especially has it done brilliant work in cases of hydrothorax. It has been called the "liquid trochar," on account of the expeditions way in which it will remove a watery effusion. The patient cannot lie down; must sit up to breathe; anxious; restless; < about 1 a.m.
It is suited to the full plethoric habit. Puffiness in one of its characteristics; and from this to dropsy. All mucous membranes are irritated. The skin is cold and clammy. Scurfy eruptions. Bran-coloured scales on head coming down to forehead. Arsenic has cured epithelioma of the lips and closely corresponds to the cancerous diathesis. Many cures of cancer have been reported under its use, both in the crude and in potencies. When the subjective symptoms of Arsen. are present, it will cure in the potencies. When the homÅ“opathicity is more crude the lower potencies will be required: in this case theArsen. appears to act directly on the cancerous tissue and cancerous elements in the system.
Arsenic is a hæmorrhagic: it acts on both blood and blood-vessels. Varices burn like fire. Anæmia, chlorosis, pyæmia all come within the scope of Arsenic, which corresponds also to states resulting from losses of blood, as venesection, metrorrhagia, hæmoptysis.
The Conditions, especially of time and temperature, are all-important with Arsenic. Unless these correspond in the patient, failure will be more frequent than success. Arsenic is one of the greatest of periodics. I once treated some members of a family who all had attacks of fever of short duration, recurring regularly every six weeks, from living in rooms papered with arsenical papers. Its periods are: every day; every third or fourth day; every fortnight; every six weeks; every year. There is pronounced night aggravation, the pains are unsupportable with restlessness. < Midnight and after (Acon. is rather before midnight); < 3 a.m. There is < from cold and damp; >warmth. Arsen. loves warmth like Nux v., Psor., Hepar, Silic., Mag. mur. and other hydrogenoids, and herein is differentiated from Sul., Ant. crud., Iod., Apis, and Puls.Arsen. hugs the fire and likes warm wraps. <Lying on affected side, or with head low. >Lying with head high.
Antidotes: To poisonous doses-milk, albumen, demulcent drinks, followed by emetics of mustard, Sulphate of Zinc or Sulphate of Copper (Tartar emetic is too irritating). Castor oil is the best purgative. Chemical antidotes:Animal charcoal, Hydrated peroxide of iron, Magnesia, Limewater. Dynamic antidote:Opium; it may be administered by clyster if not retained on stomach. Brandy and stimulants if there is depression and collapse. If urine is suppressed, Sweet spirits of nitre in large quantities of water.
Antidotes of potencies: Camph., Chi., Chin. sul., Fer., Graph., Hep., Iod., Ipec., Nux v., Sambuc., Tabac., Verat. Arsen. is antidote to:Carb. v., Chi., Fer., Graph., Hep., Iod., Ipec., Lach., Merc., Nux v., Phos., Sambuc., Strych., Tabac., Verat. Follows well: Aco., Agar., Arn., Bell., Cham., Chi., Ipec., Lach., Verat. Followed well by: Aran. d., Nux v., Iod., Sul. Rhus follows well in skin affections, especially in cases treated allopathically with large doses of arsenic. Complementary: All. sat., Carb. v., Phos. Similar to: Aco., Apoc., Arg. n., Bell., Bism., Calc., Can. ind., Carb. v., Chi., Ferr., Hyo., Ipec., Kreos. Lach., Lyc., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Rhus t., Sil., Tab., Verat. The restlessness of Ars. differs from that of Mag. c.; Ars. goes from room to room, from bed to bed; Mag. c. must get out of bed and walk the floor to relieve pain. The fear of death is not that of Acon., but is an anxiety and a feeling that it is useless to take medicine as they will surely die (more like Agnus). Bry. drinks much and seldom: Ars. little and often; Ars. eats much at a time, Bry. often and little.
Chill in the water. Eating ices. Poor diet. Fruits, ailments from. Drunkenness. Effects of tobacco; of quinine; of iodine. Sea-bathing and sea-travelling. Climbing mountains. Strains. Fit of passion. Care. Grief. Fright.
1. Mind
Melancholy, sometimes of a religious character, sadness, care, chagrin, cries and complaints.Anguish, driving one out of bed at night, and from one place to another in the daytime.Restlessness.Great fear of being left alone.Anger, with anxiety, restlessness and sensation of coldness.Anxiety, restlessness, and excessive anguish which allows no rest, principally in the evening in bed, or in the morning on waking, and often with trembling, cold sweat, oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing, and fainting fits.Anxiety of conscience, as if a crime had been committed.Inconsolable anguish, with complaints and lamentation.Hypochondriacal humour, with restlessness and anxiety.Fear of solitude, of spectres, and of robbers, with desire to hide oneself.Indecision and changeable humour, which demands this at one time, that at another, and rejects everything after having obtained it.Despair; he finds no rest, esp. at night, with anguish.Despondency, despair, weariness of life, inclination to suicide, or excessive fear of death, which is sometimes believed to be very near.Too great sensibility and scrupulousness of conscience, with gloomy ideas, as if one had offended all the world.Ill-humour, impatience, vexation, inclination to be angry, repugnance to conversation, inclination to criticise, and great susceptibility.Caustic and jesting spirit.Extreme sensibility of all the organs; all noise, conversation, and clear lights are insupportable.Great apathy and indifference.Great weakness of memory.Stupidity and dulness.Delirium.Delirium, with great flow of ideas.Loss of consciousness, and of sensation; dotage; maniacal actions and frenzy.Madness; loss of mind (from the abuse of alcoholic drinks).
2. Head
Heaviness, sensation of weakness, and confusion in the head, chiefly in a room, mitigated in the open air.Stupor and confusion.Vertigo, principally in the evening, on shutting the eyes, on walking, or in the open air, and sometimes with tottering, with danger of falling, intoxication, loss of sense, obscuration of the eyes, nausea, and headache.Tearing in the head, with vomiting, when raising up the head.Pains, throbbing, oppressive, stunning, or drawing, shooting and burning in the head, often on one side only, and chiefly above one eye, or at the root of the nose, or in the occiput, and sometimes with inclination to vomit, and buzzing in the ears.Tension, tightness, and pain as of a bruise in the head.Headache > by applying cold water, or by walking in the open air.Periodical headaches.The pains in the head often occur periodically, and esp. after each meal, in the morning, at night, and in the evening in bed; and sometimes they are insupportable, and accompanied by tears and wailings, being mitigated for a moment by cold water, but returning much more strongly afterwards.Sensation, on moving the head, as if the brain struck against the cranium.Cracking or buzzing in the head.Pain in the scalp and in the integuments of the head, as if they were ulcerated or bruised, greatly increased by the slightest touch.Excessive swelling of the head and face.Erysipelatous burning, swelling of the head (face and genitals) with great weakness and coldness; worse at night.Gnawing or burning itching, scurfy eruptions, pustules, and corroding ulcers on the scalp.Eruptions, white, dry, like bran; burning, itching on the forepart of the head; when scratching it burns and bleeds violently.Burning, biting boils on the scalp, with sensitiveness to touch and cold.
3. Eyes
Aching, burning, and shooting pains in the eyes, < by light, as also by the movement of the eyes, accompanied sometimes with a necessity to lie down, or with anguish which does not permit to rest in bed.Eyes inflamed and red, with redness of the conjunctiva, or of the sclerotica, and injection of the veins of the conjunctiva.Swelling of the eyes.Inflammatory or Å“dematous swelling of the eyelids.Inflammation of the eyes and lids, with severe burning pains.Inflammation of the inner surface of the eyelids, preventing the opening of the eye.Great dryness of the eyelids, chiefly in the edges, and on reading by the light (of a candle).Corrosive tears.Agglutination of the eyelids.Spasmodic closing of the eyelids, sometimes from the effect of light.Excessive photophobia.Specks and ulcers on the cornea.Eyes convulsed and prominent; look fixed and furious.Pupils contracted.Yellowish colour of the sclerotica.Yellow colour, spots, or white points and sparks before the eyes.Blue colour around the eyes.Weakness, obscuration, and loss of sight.Eyes dull and deep sunk.
4. Ears
Squeezing, sharp pains, shootings, voluptuous tickling and burning in the ears.Tinkling, roaring, buzzing and sound, as of bells, in the ears.Sensation, as if the ears were stopped, and hardness of hearing, esp. to the human voice.
5. Nose
Aching pains in the nose.Swelling of the nose.Swelling of and burning in the nose.Violent bleeding of the nose.Desquamation of the skin of the nose, in furfurs.Knotty tumours in the nostrils.Ulceration at the top of the nostrils, with flow of ichor fetid, and of a bitter taste.Smell of pitch or sulphur before the nose.Violent sneezing.Great dryness of the nostrils.Fluent coryza; with stopped nose, burning in the nostrils, and secretion of serous and corrosive mucus.Cancer of nose.
6. Face
Face pale, hollow, and cadaverous.Yellowish, bluish, or greenish colour of the face.Leaden and earth-coloured tint, with greenish and bluish spots and streaks.Face discomposed, with distortion of features, or with eyes deep-sunk and having a dark circle around them, and nose pointed.Distorted features; death-like countenance.Redness and bloated appearance of the face.Hard and elastic swelling of the face, chiefly above the eyelids, and esp. in the morning.Swelling of the face, with fainting fits and vertigo.Papulæ, pimples, scurfy ulcers.Rosacea and mealy tetters in the face.Blackish tint round the mouth.Lips bluish or black, dry and chapped.Brownish band in the red part of the lips.Skin rough and tettery round the mouth.Eruption on the mouth and on the lips, near the red part.Cancer of the face and lips with burning pain.Hard knots and cancerous ulcers, having thick scurf with lard-like bottoms on the lips.Lips excoriated, with a sensation of tingling.Swelling and bleeding of the lips.Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with contusive pain, and soreness on being touched.Paralysis of the lower jaw.Drawing stitches here and there in the face.
7. Teeth
Sharp aching pains, or successive pullings in the teeth and gums, chiefly at night, extending sometimes to the cheek, to the ear, and to the temples; with swelling of the cheek and insupportable pains, which impel to furious despair, or which are aggravated when one lies on the diseased side, and mitigated by the heat of the fire.Convulsive grinding of the teeth.Sensation of elongation and painful loosening of the teeth, with swelling and bleeding of the gums.Pain in teeth > by hot applications.
8. Mouth
Offensive smell from the mouth.Secretion of abundant tough, fetid, bloody saliva.Great dryness of the mouth, or accumulation of saliva, sometimes bitter or bloody.The mouth is reddish-blue, inflamed, burning.Tongue bluish or white.Ulceration of the tongue, with blue colour.Torpor and insensibility of the tongue, as if it were burnt.Tongue brownish or blackish, dry, cracked, and trembling.Tongue a bright red.Tongue white as chalk, as if painted white.Tongue red with a silvery white coat.Tongue stiff like a piece of wood.Ulceration of the tongue on the anterior edge.Swelling, inflammation, or gangrene of the tongue.Angina gangrenosa (with aphthæ).Aphthæ in the mouth.Speech rapid, precipitate.
9. Throat
Burning in the throat.Scraping, sharp pain, with burning in the throat.Inflammation and gangrene of the throat.Spasmodic constriction of the throat and of the Å“sophagus, with inability to swallow.Deglutition painful and difficult, as if from paralysis of the Å“sophagus.Sensation of great dryness in the throat and in the mouth, which induces continual drinking.Accumulation of greyish or greenish mucus of salt or bitter taste in the throat.
10. Appetite
Bitter taste in the mouth, chiefly after having drunk or eaten, also in the morning.Astringent, or putrid, or acid taste in the mouth.Food appears acid, insipid, or too salt.Insipidity of food.Bitter taste of food, particularly of bread and beer.Complete adypsia; or violent burning, choking, and unquenchable thirst, making it necessary to drink constantly, but little at a time.Desire for cold water, for acids, for brandy, for coffee and milk.Want of appetite and of hunger, frequently with burning thirst.Insurmountable dislike to all food, chiefly meat and butter.Everything that is swallowed causes a pressure in the œsophagus, as if it had stopped there.Continual craving, with want of appetite and prompt satiety.After a meal, nausea, vomiting, eructations, pains in the stomach, colic, and many other sufferings.After having drunk, shivering or shuddering, return of vomiting and diarrhœa, eructations and colic.
11. Stomach
Frequent eructations, particularly after having drunk or eaten, mostly empty, acid, or bitter.Regurgitation of acrid matter, or of bitter greenish mucus.Frequent and convulsive hiccoughs, principally in the night.Frequent and excessive nausea, sometimes rising even to the throat, with inclination to vomit, necessity for lying down, sleep, swooning, trembling, shuddering, or heat, pains in the feet, &c.Flow of water from the stomach, like water-brash.Vomitings, sometimes very violent, and principally after having drunk or eaten, or at night, towards the morning; vomiting of food and of drink, or of mucous, bilious, or serous matter, of a yellowish, greenish, brownish, or blackish colour; vomiting of saguineous matter.While vomiting, violent pains in the stomach, sensation of excoriation in the abdomen, cries, burning internal heat, diarrhœa, and fear of death.Inflation and tension of the precordial region and of the stomach.Excessive pain in the epigastrium, and in the stomach, chiefly on being touched.Pressure in the stomach as from a stone, or as if the heart would burst, and excessive anguish in the precordial region, with complaints and lamentations.Sensation of constriction, cramp-like pains, pulling, piercing, and gnawing in the stomach.Burning in the pit of the stomach and stomach.Inflammation or induration of the stomach.Cramp in the stomach (2 a.m.).Cancer in the stomach.Sensation of cold, or insupportable heat and burning in the precordial region, and in the stomach.The pains in the stomach manifest themselves mostly after a meal, or in the night.Tetters on the pit of the stomach.
12. Abdomen
Compression in the region of the liver.Swelling of the spleen.Excessive pains in the abdomen, principally on the left side, and often with great anguish in the abdomen.Inflation of the abdomen.Ascites.Swelling of the abdomen as in ascites.Hard bloated abdomen.Violent cutting pains, cramp-like pains, digging, pulling, tearing, and gnawing in the abdomen.Attacks of colic occur chiefly after having drunk or eaten, or in the night, and are often accompanied by vomiting or diarrhœa, with cold, internal heat, or cold sweat.Burning pains with anguish.Sensation of cold, or insupportable burning in the abdomen.Pain, as from a wound in the abdomen, chiefly on coughing and laughing.Swelling and induration of the mesenteric glands.Much flatulency, with rumbling in the abdomen.Flatulency of a putrid smell.Painful swelling of the inguinal glands.Ulcer above the navel.
13. Stool and Anus
Constipation, with frequent, but ineffectual inclination to evacuate.Tenesmus, with burning in the anus.Involuntary and unperceived evacuations.Violent diarrhœa, with frequent evacuations, nausea, vomiting, thirst, great weakness, colic, and tenesmus.Nocturnal diarrhœa, and renewal of the diarrhœa, after having drunk or eaten.Burning stools, with violent pains in the bowels, with tenesmus, thirst, worse after eating.Burning and corrosive evacuations; fæces with mucus, or bilious, sanguineous, serous, painless, involuntary, &c., of greenish, yellowish, whitish colour, or brownish and blackish; fetid and putrid evacuations; evacuations of undigested substances.Emission of mucus by the anus, with tenesmus.Prolapsus of the rectum: with much pain.Itching, pain as from excoriation, and burning in the rectum and in the anus, as well as in the hæmorrhoidal tumours, chiefly at night.Shootings in the hæmorrhoidal tumours.
14. Urinary Organs
Retention of urine, as from paralysis of the bladder.Frequent inclination to make water, even at night, with abundant emission.Incontinence of urine, which escapes almost involuntarily, even at night, in bed.Difficult and painful emission of urine.Scanty urine, of a deep yellow colour.Urine aqueous, greenish, brownish, or turbid, with mucus-like sediment.Sanguineous urine.Burning in the urethra on making water.Involuntary discharge of burning urine.
15. Male Sexual Organs
Itching, shooting, and burning in the glans and in the prepuce.Inflammation, painful and gangrened swelling of the genital parts.Glans swollen, cracked, and bluish.Swelling of the testes.Erysipelatous inflammation of the scrotum.Nocturnal pollutions.Flowing of the prostatic fluid during loose stools.
16. Female Sexual Organs
Venereal desire in women.Catamenia too early and too copious, attended by much suffering.Catamenia suppressed, with pains in the sacrum and in the shoulders.Leucorrhœa acrid, corrosive, thick, and yellowish.Scirrhus uteri.
17. Respiratory Organs
.Catarrh, with hoarseness, coryza, and sleeplessness.Voice rough and hoarse.Voice trembling or unequal; at one time strong, at another weak.Tenacious mucus in the larynx and the chest.Bronchitis, with difficult secretion of mucus.Sensation of dryness and burning in the larynx.Spasmodic constriction of the larynx.Dry cough, sometimes deep, fatiguing, and shaking, principally in the evening after lying down, or at night, obliging the patient to assume an erect posture; also after drinking; on being in the fresh and cool air, during movement, or during expiration, and often with difficulty of respiration, suffocating, contractive pain, or sensation as of excoriation in the pit of the stomach and the chest; pain, as from a bruise in the abdomen, shootings in the hypochondria, in the epigastrium, and in the chest, &c.Arrest of breathing with cough.Cough excited by a sensation of constriction and suffocation in the larynx, as if by the vapour of sulphur.Respiration oppressed, anxious, short.Oppressed, laboured breathing, esp. when ascending a height; in cold air; when turning in bed.Periodical attacks of cough.Cough with expectoration of sanguineous mucus, sometimes with burning heat over the whole body.Difficult expectoration, or scanty and frothy.
18. Chest
Shortness of breath, difficulty of respiration, choking, dyspnœa, and attack of suffocation, sometimes with cold sweat, spasmodic constriction of the chest or of the larynx, anguish, great weakness, body cold, pain in the pit of the stomach, and paroxysm of cough.The sufferings occur chiefly in the evening in bed, or at night, when lying down; also in windy weather, in the fresh and cold air, or in the heat of a room, or when warmly clothed, on being fatigued, on being angry, on walking, on moving, and even on laughing.Respiration anxious, stertorous, and wheezing.Oppression of the chest on coughing, on walking, and on going upstairs.Constriction and compression of the chest, sometimes with great anxiety, inability to speak, and fainting fits.Tension and pressure in the chest.Stitches and pressing in the sternum.Shooting pains in the chest and in the sternum.Chilliness or coldness in the chest.Shivering, or great heat and burning in the chest.Heat, burning, itching in the chest.Yellowish spots on the chest.
19. Heart
Violent and insupportable throbbings of the heart, chiefly when lying on the back, and esp. at night.Irregular beatings of the heart, sometimes with anguish.Cramp in the heart.Heart-beats irritable.Palpitation with anguish, cannot lie on back; < going upstairs.Palpitation and trembling weakness after stool; must lie down.Palpitation after suppressed herpes or foot-sweat.Angina pectoris.Hydropericardium.Fatty degeneration.
20. Neck and Back
Å’dematous, painless swellings of the neck and of the lower jaw.Tetters between the shoulder-blades.Violent and burning pain in the back, powerfully aggravated by the touch.Acute drawing pains in the back and between the shoulder-blades, which necessitate lying down.
22. Upper Limbs
Acute drawing pains in the arms and in the hands.Swelling of the arms, with blackish pustules of a putrid smell.Acute drawing pains in the night, beginning from the elbow and extending to the armpits.Acute pulling and shooting in the wrists.Cramps in the fingers.At night, sensation of fulness and swelling in the palms of the hands.Excoriation between the fingers.Hard swelling of the fingers, with pain in the finger-bones.Ulcers at the extremities of the fingers, with burning pain.Discoloured nails.
23. Lower Limbs
Cramp in the legs.Acute drawing pains in the hips, extending to the groins, the thighs, and sometimes even to the anklebones, with uneasiness, which obliges one to move the limb constantly.Tearing and stinging in the hips, legs, and loins.Tearing in the tibia.Rheumatic pain in the legs, and esp. in the tibia.Paralytic weakness of the thigh.Pain, as from a bruise in the joint of the knee.Old ulcers on lower limbs, with burning and lancinating pains.Contraction of the tendons of the ham.Tetters on the ham.Cramps in the calves of the legs.Affections of the shin-bones.Burning and shooting ulcers in the leg.Itching herpes in the bends of the knee.Varices.Fatigue in the legs and in the feet.Swelling of the foot, burning, hard, and shining, with burning vesicles of a blue-blackish colour on the instep.Corrosive and ulcerous vesicles on the soles of the feet and on the toes.Pains in the fleshy part of the toes, as if they were galled by walking.
24. Generalities
Paroxysms of suffering with anxiety, coldness, rapid failure of strength, and wish to lie down.Burning, chiefly in the interior of the parts affected, or sharp and drawing pains.Nocturnal pains, which are felt even during sleep, and which are so unbearable that they excite despair and fury.Aggravation of suffering by conversation, as well as after a meal, in the morning on rising, in the evening in bed, on lying on the part affected, or during repose after prolonged exercise; mitigated by external heat, as well as by assuming a standing posture, or by walking, and movement of the body.Return of sufferings periodically.Å’dematous swellings, with burning pain in the parts affected.Excessive indolence, and dread of all exertion.Want of strength, excessive weakness, and complete asthenia, even to prostration, sometimes with paralysis of the lower jaw, eyes dull and deep, and mouth open.Rapid failure of strength, and sensation of weakness as if from want of food.Inability to walk; the patient is obliged to remain lying down.When lying down, the patient feels stronger, but on rising, falls from weakness.Deficiency of blood; dropsy of outer and inner parts; inflammation of mucous membranes; ulcers in the glands.Emaciation and atrophy of the whole body, with colliquative sweats, great weakness, face earthy, and eyes sunken, with a dark ring surrounding them.Violent convulsive attacks, spasms and tetanus.Epileptic fits, preceded by burning in the stomach, pressure and heat in the back, extending to the nape of the neck, and to the brain, with dizziness.Å’dematous inflation and swelling of the whole body, chiefly of the head and face, with enlargement of the abdomen, and engorgement of the glands.Burning pains of inner or exterior parts (glands).Emaciation.Trembling of the limbs, chiefly the arms and legs.Trembling of the limbs (in drunkards).Stiffness and fixedness of the limbs, sometimes with sharp rheumatic pains.Paralysis and contraction of the limbs.Paralysis, especially of the lower extremities.Fainting fits, sometimes with dizziness and swelling of the face.Fainting, from weakness, with scarcely perceptible pulse.Sensation of torpor in the limbs, as if they were dead.
25. Skin
Desquamation of the skin of the body.Skin dry as parchment, cold and bluish.Yellowish colour of the skin.Shootings, hot itching, and violent burning in the skin.Reddish or bluish spots in the skin.Petechiæ.Inflamed spots, as from morbilli, chiefly in the head, face, and neck.Miliary eruptions, red and white.Conical pimples, whitish or reddish, with burning itching.Nettle-rash.Eruption of painful black pustules.Eruption of itchy pimples, small and tickling.Eruption of small red pimples, which increase and change into gnawing ulcers, covered with a scurf.Vesicular eruptions.Herpes, with vesicles, and violently burning, esp. at night, or with coverings, like fish-scales.Skin jaundiced; general anasarca; black blisters.Pustules filled with blood and pus.Tettery spots, covered with phlyctenæ and furfur, with burning nocturnal pains.Ulcers with raised and hard edges, surrounded by a red and shining crown; with the bottoms like lard, or of a blackish-blue colour, with burning pains or shooting, principally when the parts affected become cold.Ulcers, hard on the edges, stinging, burning spongy; with proud flesh; turning black; flat; pus thin, ichorous (cancers).Fetid smell, ichorous suppuration, ready bleeding, putridity, and bluish or greenish colour of the ulcers.Thin crusts or proud flesh on the ulcers.Spacelus.Want of secretion in the ulcers.Carbuncles (burning).Inflammatory tumours with burning pains.Warts.Ulcers inform of a wart.Chilblains.Varices.Discoloured nails.
26. Sleep
Constant drowsiness, with strong and frequent yawnings.Nocturnal sleeplessness, with agitation and constant tossing.Drowsiness in the evening.Coma vigil, often interrupted by groans and grinding of the teeth.Unrefreshing sleep; in the morning it seems as if more sleep were needed.Starting of the limbs when on the point of falling asleep.During sleep, startings with fright, groans, talking, querulous exclamations, grinding of the teeth, convulsive movements of the hands and fingers, sensation of general uneasiness, and tossing.In sleep, lying on the back, with the hand under the head.Light sleep; the slightest noise is heard, though the patient dreams continually.Frequent dreams, full of cares, threats apprehensions, repentings and inquietude; anxious, horrible, fantastic, lively and angry dreams; dreams of storms, of fire, of black waters and darkness; dreams with meditation.In the night, jerking of the limbs, heat and agitation, burning under the skin, as if there were boiling water in the veins, or cold, with inability to get warm, stifling sensation in the larynx, asthmatic attacks, great agitation, and anguish at the heart.Frequent waking during the night, with difficulty in sleeping again.Sleeplessness, from anguish and restlessness, with tossing about (after midnight).
27. Fever
Cold over the whole body, sometimes with cold and viscid sweat.General coldness, with parchment-like dryness of the skin, or with profuse, cold, clammy perspiration.Chilliness without thirst; worse after drinking; with stretching of the limbs and restlessness with external heat at the same time; when walking in the open air.Shiverings and shuddering, chiefly in the evening in bed, or on walking in the open air, or after having drunk or eaten, and often with the addition of other sufferings, such as sharp pains in the limbs, headache, oppression of the chest, and difficulty of respiration, drawing in the limbs, anxiety and restlessness.Universal heat, principally at night, and often with anxiety, restlessness, delirium, heaviness and perplexity in the head, dizziness, vertigo, oppression and pricking in the chest, redness of the skin, &c.Febrile attacks, mostly in the morning or evening, often with shivering and heat slightly developed, burning thirst or perfect adypsia, quartan or tertian, or sometimes quotidian; sufferings before the attack, and sweats after, on going to sleep; apyrexia (or shivering or heat), with great weakness, dropsical affections, pains in the regions of the liver and of the spleen, dull or shooting headache, sharp and drawing pains in the limbs, in the back and in the head, pressure, fulness, tension, and burning in the stomach and in the epigastrium, prickings in the chest and in the sides, difficulty of breathing, anxiety, face puffed, earthy, &c.Pulse irregular, or quick, weak, small, and frequent, or suppressed and trembling.Pulse frequent in the morning, slower in the evening.Frequent colliquative, or cold and viscid sweats; sweat at night, or in the evening on going to sleep, or in the morning on waking; partial sweat, chiefly on the face and legs.Perspiration at the beginning of sleep, or all night; cold, clammy, smelling sour or offensive.During perspiration, unquenchable thirst; after the fever, attack of headache.Perspiration, which imparts a yellow colour to the linen and to the skin.During the sweat, heaviness in the head, buzzing in the ears and trembling of the limbs.
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)- Zika Virus.
2. WHO, Media Centre, Fact sheets- Zika virus.
3. Pan American Health Organization- Zika Virus Infection.
4. CNN- Five things you need to know about Zika.
5. CBC Radio Canada- Zika virus: what you need to know.
6. Guardian News and Media Limited- Zika virus: what travellers need to know.
7. The New York Times Company-Short Answers to Hard Questions About Zika Virus.
8. Vox Media, Inc.- Zika virus, explained in 6 charts and maps.
9. Microbeonline- Zika virus: Transmission, Pathogenesis, symptoms and laboratory diagnosis.
10. Wikipedia- Zika virus.
Zika Virus- Structure, Genome, Symptoms, Transmission, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis
11. Repertory of  J. T. KENT & MATERIA MEDICA OF DR. J. H. CLARKE.
NOTE:- Please contact with a registard homoeopath, you cant use this artical as a prescription. Its only a simple information.