Sunday, February 21, 2016

Disorder of planet Saturn of prana remedy

Our physiological function of body make develop its functions, nature and constitution by the influence of all 7 planet. They can make disorder with there target organs. We can easily fiend out the disease. Please first identify the planet of the individual, according to his/ her birth.

Can have all miasmatic background, but prominently- (SCO-SYPHILITIC).
A. sycotic nature in metabolic disorder.
B. Syphilitic mature in bone, degeneration, decade and deformity.
Saturn person may susceptible to:
1. Spleen disease
2. Abortion
3. Aging
4. Arteriosclerosis
5. Arthritis
6. Back disorders
7. Bone disorders
8. Calcium problems
9. Cancer
10. Constipation
11. Contraction
12. Decay,deformity,Degeneration
13. Emaciation
14. Gallstones
15. Gangrene
16. Gout
17. Hemorrhoids
18. Impotency
19. Infertility
20. Joints disease
21. Renal stones
22. Lead poisoning
23. Leukemia
24. Mineral deposits
25. Osteoporosis
26. Poisoning
28. Radiation sickness
29. Rheumatism
30. Scar tissues
31. Sclerosis
32. Scirrhus
33. Spinal disease
34. Stiffness
35. Tooth decades
36. Toxicity
37. Ulcer
38. Uric acid
39. Weight loss.

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