Monday, January 25, 2016

Arsenic alb symptoms relationship

In materia medica there have some relation to others symptoms (concomitant). In homoeopathic prescription they play vital roll for select single similimum.

1. Fastidious - upset about disorder.
2. Malarial fever, kala-azar -enlarged spleen & liver.
3. Blood disorganized - causing pernicious type of anemia & severe septic condition.
4. Cough -excited by smoking.
5. Increased sexual desire - at menses.
6. Menses suppressed - in weak, tired care worn women.
7. Stitching in rectum - during menses.
8. Headache relieved - by cold, others symptoms worse.
9. Pain alternate between - head or stomach or body worse by peoples talk.
10. Laying on back - palpitation with anguish. - unable to lie down - fear suffocation.
11. Palpitation with - tremulous weakness after stool.
12. Agony of bladder - in old persons.
13. Feeling of weakness in abdomen - after urination.
14. Retention of urine, as if the bladder were paralyzed - after child birth.
15. Paralysis - with contraction of limbs. - with atrophy.
16. Sciatica - better walking & hot application.
17. Drawing pain - from elbo to axilla.
18. Asthma worse taking cold - in mid summer.
19. Hay fever & coryza- worse in open air, better indoor.
20. Skin symptoms alternate with - asthma or internal disorder.
21. Sleep disturbed - anxious, restless.
22. Must head raised - by pillows.
23. Sleep - with hand over head.
24. Suffocative fits - during sleep.
25. Anxiety - in pit of stomach.
26. Heart pain -into neck & occiput with anxiety, difficult breathing.

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