Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Kali phosphoricum, mind

SALT OF MOON acording to the Lotus theorem of ROBIN MURPHY, ND

" Kali phos, the great nerve and brain remedy, is indicated, and is the chief remedy in all mental disorders, when arising from a want of nerve or brain power."
-       George W. Carey, MD, The Biochemic System of Medicine, page no-71, reprint edition-1998 by B. Jain.

A deficiency of this salt is indicated by the following symptoms:-

"1.Morose, irritable; tearful.
2. Aversion to be talked to, everything is too much; depression. Extreme lassitude and depression.
3. Can't recall names or words.
4. Lethargy; mind sluggish, but will act if aroused.
5.Exhaustion after moderate mental effort.
6. Flies in a passion and can hardly articulate.
7. Tongue feels thick.
8. Restless, nervous; starting.
9. Perverted affection, cruel to husband; to baby.
10. Indifferent and captious."
                 - J. H. CLARKE, A Dictionary of practical Materia Medica, Voll-II, Page no-154, Reprint edition- June 2005 by IBPP

"11. Indisposition to meet people.
12.Very nervous, Starts easily, irritable. Brain fag, hysteria; night terrors.
13. Somnambulance.
14. Slightly labor seems a heavy task.
15. Great disposition about business."
               - William Boericke, Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & repertory, page no -377, reprint edition 2008 by B Jain.

"16. Apprehension about future, his health.
17. Fear of crowd, death, being alone, etc.
18. Sensitive to noise during menses.
19. Gesture; wringing the hands.
20. Irritability when spoken to.
21. Oversensitive children."
             -Frans Vermeulen, concordant Materia Medica, page no-555, edition Indian 2001 by IBPP.

"22. Aversion to her won. Religious melancholy."
                 - Robin Murphy, Lotus Materia Medica, page no-954, Indian edition-2002 by B Jain.

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