Wednesday, November 4, 2015


For understanding the mind rubrics,at first you should understand the stage and conditions of symptoms.
In symptoms we have some words,which give you direction for bette understanding.Those word are present in symptoms of the drugs in our MATERIA MEDICA.
1.With: when 2 or many symptoms present in your patient at a Times in a combination stage.

2.And: when 2 or many symptoms present in your patient at a Times in a separate stage.

3.or: Alternative represent one symptoms to other/may present or not.

4.To: in this condition the mental stage give influence to another symptoms.

5.Without: naturally any symptoms must present in a disease conditions,but when your patient show exception.

6.About: a thinking or judgment capacity in a condition.

7.For: in mind symptoms it may present as a synonymous word of desire.

Please first fiend the nature of symptoms.some symptoms can make the mental constitution of the patient.all symptoms can develop here, I say it the soil of symptoms.where others symptoms may developed. Some symptoms may describe with the word of-(with,and,or,without),those all symptoms have give some clue about the soil symptoms.they can give direction to you for fiend out the mental constitution or stage of your patient.


Now study-
The RUBRIC-Melancholic:

BELLADONA:Melancholy, with grief, hypochondriacal humour, moral dejection, and discouragement.

HYOCIAMUS N: Melancholy from unfortunate love, with rage or inclination to laugh at everything.

The RUBRIC-Delirium:

BELLADONA: delirium, and mania, with groaning, disposition to dance, to laugh, to sing, and to whistle; mania, with groans, or with involuntary laughter; nocturnal delirium; delirium with murmuring; delirium, during which are sen wolves, dogs, fires, &c.delirium by fits, and sometimes with fixedness of look. Delirium.Great apathy and indifference. Imagines he sees ghosts, hideous faces, and various insects (Stram.); black animals, dogs, wolves. Fear of imaginary things, wants to run away from them; hallucinations. Violent delirium; disposition to bite, spit, strike and tear things; breaks into fits of laughter and gnashes the teeth; wants to bite and strike the attendant.

HYOCIAMUS N: Delirium without consciousness; does not know anybody, and has no wants (except thirst).Loss of consciousness, with eyes closed, and raving about business.Delirium tremens, with clonic spasms; unconsciousness and aversion to light and company.Delirium, sometimes with trembling, and fits of epileptic convulsions.Delirium, sees ghosts, demons, &c.

The CONDITION- Desire:

BELLADONA:to die, and inclination for suicide. desire to escape. Fury and rage, with desire to strike, to spit, to bite, and to tear everything, and sometimes with growling and barking like a dog. desire for solitude, dread of society and of all noise.

HYOCIAMUS N: Desire to run away from the house at night. Rage, with desire to strike and to kill.

The RUBRIC- fear:

BELLADONA:Fear of approaching death.

HYOCIAMUS N: Anguish and fear. Fear of being betrayed or poisoned.

Great agitation, with continual tossing about, inquietude, and anguish, chiefly at night, and in the afternoon, sometimes with headache and redness of face.

─Lamentations, groans, cries, and tears.

-Perversity, with tears (in children)

─Timidity, disposition fearful, mistrustful, and suspicious; apprehension and inclination to run away.

─Mental excitation, with too great sensibility to every impression, immoderate gaiety, and disposition to be easily frightened.

─Nervous anxiety, restlessness,  'Stupefaction, with congestion to the head; pupils enlarged.

─Repugnance to conversation.

─Disinclination to talk, or very fast talking.

─Ill-humour, disposition irritable and sensitive, with an inclination to be angry and to give offence.

─Folly, with ridiculous jesting, gesticulations, acts of insanity, impudent manners.

──Dejection and weakness of mind and body.

─Dread of all exertion and motion.

─Loss of consciousness.

─Fantastic illusions (when closing the eyes).

─Dementia, to such an extent as no longer to know one's friends, illusions of the senses and frightful visions.

─Complete loss of reason, stupidity, inadvertence, and distraction, inaptitude for thought, and great weakness of memory.

─Memory: quick; weak; lost


─Fright followed by convulsions and starts from sleep.

─Disposition to make a jest of everything.


─Talks more than usual, more animatedly and hurriedly.

─Jealousy; with rage and delirium.

─Unfortunate love with jealousy, with rage and incoherent speech.

─Peevish and quarrelsome humour.

─Stupor, with plaintive cries, esp. on the slightest touch, and complete apathy.

─Loss of memory.

─Wandering thoughts.

─Perversion of every action.

─Mania, with loss of consciousness; or with buffoonery and ridiculous gestures.

─Lascivious mania, and occasional mutterings; uncovers his whole body

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